Table 1.
Number of query (Q) | Content | Potential answers |
Q1 | Do you feel women’s contribution to nuclear medicine could and should be more valued? |
a) No. If no, why? b) Yes c) I do not know |
Q2* | In your opinion, what are the major areas in nuclear medicine in which women are undervalued? |
a) Scientific work/research b) Academic/university career c) Daily clinical practice d) international societies and organizations e) Other (please specify) |
Q3 | What would you expect from the EANM Women´s EmpoWErment Task Force? | |
Q4* | What do you perceive to be the challenges, if any, women are struggling with in their professional careers? |
a) Maintaining the work-life balance b) Being equally involved in professional collaborations and authorship c) Receiving funding for scientific/professional projects d) Missing professional support e) Lacking mental health support f) I do not see any challenges g) Other (please specify) |
Q5* | If the WE Task Force would offer training opportunities, which form of training would you prefer the most? |
a) Topic related meetings during major events b) Virtual round-table discussions c) Mentoring webinars with experts d) Other (please specify) |
Q6* | Which topics should be brought up during the training? |
a) Developing stronger leadership skills in clinical/scientific field (daily practice, projects) b) Group dynamics: how to successfully position oneself c) Scientific publications: how to successfully write, edit, submit, and interact with other authors, reviewers, editors e) Others (please specify) |
Q7 | Your gender is: |
a) Female b) Male c) Other d) I would prefer not to say |
Q8 | Where do you currently work? |
a) Region: Europe, Asia, Americas, Africa, Oceania b) Country: (dropdown) |
Q9 | Where do you reside? |
a) Region: Europe, Asia, Americas, Africa, Oceania b) Country: (dropdown) |
Q10 | Please indicate your age range: |
a) < 25 b) 25–38 c) 39–50 d) 51–60 e) > 60 |
Q11* | Please let us know where you are currently working: |
a) Public institution b) University c) Private institution d) Many different medical units e) Other (please specify) |
Q12 | What is your background? |
a) Medical Doctor b) Nurse/Technologist c) Radiopharmacist d) Medical Physicist e) Physician in training f) Scientist in training g) Other (please specify) |
Q13* | What is your current position? |
a) Resident b) PhD student c) Assistant d) Professor e) Other (please specify) |
Q14 | If you would like to stay in contact, please leave your email address: |
*Multiple answers were accepted