Abbreviations: CCaNNI, Critical Care Network for Northern Ireland; CC, Collaborating Centre; CHESSS, COVID‐19 Hospitalisation in England Surveillance System; ECOSS, Electronic Communication of Surveillance in Scotland; EDSSS, Emergency Department Syndromic Surveillance System; GPIH, General Practitioner in‐hours; GPOOH, General Practitioner out‐of‐hours; GPSSS, GP sentinel swabbing scheme; HDU, High Dependency Unit; HPS, Health protection Scotland; HSC, Health Security Committee; ICU, intensive care unit; MOMO, Mortality Monitoring; MOSA, Medical Officers of Schools Association; NA, Not Applicable; NASSS, National Ambulance Syndromic Surveillance System; NHS, National Health Service; NIC, National Influenza Centre; NISRA, Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency; ONS, Office for National Statistics; PHA, Public Health Agency; PHE, Public Health England; PHW, Public Health Wales; RCGP, Royal College of General Practitioners; RSC, Research and Surveillance Centre; SAS, Scottish Ambulance Service; SICSAG, Scottish Intensive Care Society Audit Group; SNBTS, Scottish National Blood Transfusion Service; USISS, UK Severe Influenza Surveillance System; WHO, World Health Organisation.