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. 2021 Sep 15;84(3):325–338. doi: 10.1097/PSY.0000000000001011


Characteristics of Included Studies

Studya Design n Populationb Syndrome of Interest Mean Duration of Symptoms Interventions No. Treatment Sessions
Bérubé et al., 2019 RCT 56 Prevention Chronic postoperative pain SC/TAU versus
TAU + self-management
Birch et al., 2020 RCT 67 Prevention Chronic postoperative pain SC/TAU versus
TAU + CBT-oriented patient education
Bjørnnes et al., 2017 RCT 416 Prevention Chronic postoperative pain SC/TAU versus
TAU + pain management education (educational booklet and discussion of its content during supportive follow-up phone call 10 days after surgery)
Cai et al., 2018 RCT 111 Prevention Chronic postoperative pain SC/TAU versus
Dahl & Nilsson, 2001 RCT 29 Early intervention Chronic pain NA SC/TAU versus
Damush et al., 2003a (Damush et al., 2003b) RCT 211 Early intervention Chronic low back pain NA SC/TAU versus
TAU + group-based self-management program
Ferrari et al., 2005 RCT 112 Prevention Chronic whiplash syndrome NA SC/TAU versus
TAU + whiplash prevention pamphlet
Gatchel et al., 2003 RCT 70 Early intervention Chronic low back pain NA No treatment versus
functional restoration program consisting of CBT, biofeedback, physical therapy, occupational therapy, and interdisciplinary team meetings
Up to 45
Gatchel et al., 2006 (Stowell et al., 2007) RCT 101 Early intervention Temporomandibular joint disorder 97.4 days No treatment versus
CBT and biofeedback
Gil-Jardiné et al., 2018 RCT 130 Prevention Postconcussion syndrome NA SC/TAU versus
TAU + reassurance (n = 38) or TAU + EMDR R-TEP (n = 34)
Hazard et al., 2000 RCT 489 Prevention Chronic low back pain NA No treatment versus
educational pamphlet
Irvine et al., 2015 RCT 597 Early intervention Chronic low back pain NA No treatment versus
online cognitive-behavioral tailored self-help program with weekly reminders for using the program
Janse et al., 2016 RCT 100 Early intervention Idiopathic chronic fatigue Intervention: Med = 5.5 yrs
(range: 1–61 yrs)
Control: Med = 4 yrs
(range: 0.5–26 yrs)
Wait-list versus
tailored CBT-based guided self-instruction
Karjalainen et al., 2004 (Karjalainen et al., 2003) RCT 170 Early intervention Chronic low back pain NA SC/TAU versus
TAU + advice and physiotherapeutic exercises (+ work site visit for n = 51)
Kongsted et al., 2008 RCT 182 Prevention Chronic whiplash syndrome NA SC/TAU versus
oral advice at home visit and list with key information
Lamb et al., 2012 (Lamb et al., 2013) CRT 3851 Prevention Chronic whiplash syndrome NA SC/TAU versus
active management advice during consultation and educational pamphlet
Linton & Andersson, 2000 (Linton & Nordin, 2006) RCT 272 Early intervention Chronic low back pain NA SC/TAU versus
TAU + group CBT
Linton & Ryberg, 2001 RCT 253 Early intervention Chronic low back pain,
chronic neck pain
NA SC/TAU versus
TAU + group CBT
Mitchell & Carmen, 1994 RCT 542 Early intervention Chronic pain NA SC/TAU versus
functional restoration program consisting of active exercise, functional simulation, CBT, psychoeducation, relaxation therapy, biofeedback and counseling; both individual- and group-format
Up to 280
Newcomer et al., 2008 RCT 220 Early intervention Chronic low back pain NA SC/TAU versus
educational videotape targeting beliefs and self-management
Nyenhuis et al., 2013 (Nyenhuis et al., 2013) RCT 304 Early intervention Tinnitus 96 dc No treatment versus
CBT-based Internet self-help or CBT-oriented bibliotherapy or group CBT

(Internet self-help and bibliotherapy),
4 (group CBT)
Riddle et al., 2019 RCT 402 Prevention Chronic postoperative pain NA Placebo versus
TAU + CBT-based pain coping skills training
Sanders et al., 2013 RCT 271 Early intervention Temporomandibular joint disorder NA Placebo versus
CBT and biofeedback
Sharpe et al., 2012 (study 1) RCT 54 Prevention Chronic pain NA Placebo versus
TAU + attention bias modification
Silverberg et al., 2013 RCT 28 Prevention Postconcussion syndrome NA SC/TAU versus
Slater et al., 2009 RCT 67 Early intervention Chronic low back pain NA Placebo versus
TAU + behavioral pain management and rehabilitation intervention
Sterling et al., 2019 RCT 108 Early intervention Chronic whiplash syndrome NA SC/TAU versus
TAU + exercise and CBT-oriented stress inoculation training
Toft et al., 2010 CRT 111 Early intervention Any somatoform disorder
(ICD-10: F44.4–F48.0)
NA SC/TAU versus
PCP training in assessment and treatment of FSS
Traeger et al., 2019 RCT 202 Early intervention Chronic low back pain 13 days Placebo versus
TAU + intensive patient education
Whitfill et al., 2010 (Rogerson et al., 2010) RCT 142 Early intervention Chronic low back pain NA SC/TAU versus
functional restoration program consisting of CBT, biofeedback, physical therapy, occupational therapy and interdisciplinary team meetings
Up to 24

RCT = randomized controlled trial; — (dash) = not applicable to the respective study; SC/TAU = standard care/treatment as usual; CBT = cognitive-behavioral therapy; NA = missing data; EMDR = eye movement desensitization and reprocessing; R-TEP = recent traumatic episode protocol; Med = Median; CRT = cluster-randomized controlled trial; PCP = primary care physician; FSS = functional somatic syndromes.

a References in parentheses indicate duplicate reports. For full references, see Text in Section E, Supplemental Digital Content (

b Population coded in accordance with our participant eligibility criteria (see Eligibility Criteria, for an explanation).

c In this study, mean symptom duration was reported in months. Mean symptom duration in days was calculated by assuming a month has 30 days.