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. 2022 Mar 23;10:840778. doi: 10.3389/fped.2022.840778


Characteristics of IL-6 accuracy studies for diagnosing EONS in a mixed population of preterm and term infants.

Author, year, country, (reference) EONS definition Recruitment Reference standard in infected neonates Reference standard in control neonates Sample studied, time of sample collection Test IL-6 cutoff (pg/mL) Sensitivity, % (95% CI) Specificity, % (95% CI) AUC (95% CI) PPV, % NPV, %
Yang et al., China, (5) ≤72 h 152 preterm (>34 weeks) and term infants at risk for EONS: 76 infected, 76 uninfected (1) Positive blood or CSF culture or (2) ≥3 categories of clinical signs Negative blood culture and <3 categories of clinical signs Venous blood, ≤72 h (PNA) MILLIPLEX Map Human Th17 Magnetic Bead Panel and Sepsis Panel (Millipore) 153 42.1 93.4 0.704 (0.622–0.786) 84.6 61.4
Ahmed et al., Egypt, (31) ≤72 h 60 NICU preterm and term infants: 30 high suspicion of EONS, 30 matched controls Clinical findings supporting the suspicion of neonatal sepsis Age- and weight-matched neonates without the criteria of sepsis suspicion Venous blood, ≤72 h (PNA) ELISA 24 (ROC, Youden) 94.4 52.4 0.751 (0.623–0.854) 45.9 95.7
He et al., China, (19) ≤72 h 151 preterm (>34 weeks) and term infants with suspected EONS: 68 infected, 83 uninfected (1) Positive blood or CSF culture and any abnormal finding or (2) negative culture results but ≥3 abnormal findings Negative culture results and <3 abnormal findings Venous blood, ≤72 h (PNA) MILLIPLEX Map Human Th17 Magnetic Bead Panel and Sepsis Panel (Millipore) 75.43 64.71 69.88 0.706 (0.626–0.777) 63.77 70.74
Al-Zahrani et al., Saudi Arabia, (38) <1 week 100 NICU preterm and term infants with suspected sepsis: 71 infected, 29 uninfected (1) Positive blood culture and/or positive PCR results for bacterial 16S rDNA or (2) negative blood culture and PCR, but clinical signs of sepsis and positive sepsis screen. Neonates suspected of having sepsis with negative blood culture, PCR and sepsis screen Blood sample, ≤24 h (after NICU admission), <1 week (PNA) ELISA 60 63.6 69 NA 75.6 55.5
Cernada et al., Spain, (20) ≤72 h 128 preterm and term infants with prenatal risk factors for EONS (77% asymptomatic at birth): 10 infected, 118 uninfected (1) Positive blood culture and clinical sings or (2) ≥3 categories of clinical signs NA Cord blood, 0 h (PNA) Chemiluminescence enzyme immunoassay in solid phase 255.87 (ROC, NS) 90 87.4 0.88 (0.7–1.06) (sic) 37.5 99
Bender et al., Denmark, (32) ≤72 h 123 NICU preterm and term infants with at least 1 clinical sign suggesting EONS: 29 infected, 94 uninfected (1) Positive blood culture or (2) clinical signs and CRP > 5 mg/dl (1) Clinical signs and CRP ≤ 5 mg/dl and antibiotic therapy for 3 days or (2) clinical signs, but no antibiotic therapy Peripheral blood, 0 h (after suspicion of sepsis) Flow cytometry (LUMINEX) 250 (ROC, specificity ∼95%) 59 (41–75) 94 (87–97) 0.77 76 88
12 (ROC, sensitivity ∼ specificity) 71 71 0.77 43 89
Resch et al., Austria, (45) NS 68 NICU preterm and term infants with suspected sepsis: 41 infected, 27 uninfected (1) Positive blood culture or (2) ≥3 categories of clinical signs, positive sepsis screen and/or risk factors, and antibiotic therapy ≥7 days Negative blood culture, negative sepsis screen, and antibiotic therapy ≤3 days Venous or arterial blood, ≤12 h (PNA) ELISA ≥10 (ROC, NS) 71 (56–82) 67 (48–81) NA 76 60
≥60 (ROC, Youden) 54 (39–68) 100 (88–100) NA 100 59
≥150 (ROC, NS) 46 (32–61) 100 (88–100) NA 100 55
Chiesa et al., Italy, (35) ≤48 h 134 NICU preterm and term infants: 19 infected, 115 uninfected (1) Positive blood culture and clinical signs or (2) ≥3 clinical signs prompting ≥5 days of antibiotic therapy, and historical and clinical risk factors for EONS Symptomatic infants who had negative body fluid cultures, and were apparently well within 24–48 h and received antibiotic treatment ≤3 days Cord blood, 0 h (PNA) ELISA 200 (ROC, Youden) 74 (51–88) 89 (82–93) NA NA NA
Peripheral blood, 24 h (PNA) 30 (ROC, Youden) 63 (41–81) 71 (62–78) NA NA NA
Peripheral blood, 48 h (PNA) 20 (ROC, Youden) 53 (32–73) 70 (63–79) NA NA NA
Martin et al., Sweden, (36) ≤48 h 32 NICU preterm and term infants with suspected sepsis: 20 infected, 12 uninfected (1) Positive blood or CSF culture or (2) abnormal CRP, WBC and ≥1 category of clinical signs (i.e., oliguria, metabolic acidosis, or hypoxemia) Clinical conditions apparently non-infectious Peripheral blood, at admission, ≤48 h (PNA) Chemiluminescence immunoassay 160 (ROC, Youden) 100 70 NA 67 100
Krueger et al., Germany, (34) ≤48 h 136 preterm and term infants: 68 infected, 68 uninfected (1) Clinical signs and positive blood culture or (2) clinical signs and abnormal laboratory results (CRP, I:T ratio), biological fluids positive for bacteria, or signs of inflammation in placenta Non-infectious clinical conditions Cord blood, 0 h (PNA) Fully automated chemiluminescence immunoassay 80 (ROC, ULC) 87 90 NA NA NA
Santana et al., Spain, (14) NS 31 preterm and term infants: 10 infected, 11 uninfected, 10 healthy controls ≥2 categories of clinical signs, ≥1 abnormal laboratory findings, and positive blood culture (1) Clinical conditions apparently non-infectious or (2) GA-matched neonates with normal postnatal course through the first month of life Cord blood, 0 h (PNA) Chemiluminescence enzymoimmunoassay in the solid phase 100.8 (ROC, NS) 50 87 ∼0.5 31 66
Silveira and Procianoy, Brazil, (9) ≤5 days 117NICU infants with suspected sepsis: 66 infected, 51 uninfected (1) Positive blood and/or CSF culture and ≥3 categories of clinical sepsis or (2) negative cultures and ≥3 categories of clinical sepsis PROM, but no complete criteria for clinical sepsis, no antibiotic treatment up to discharge from hospital, no hospital readmission (<1 month) Peripheral blood, 0 h (after suspicion of sepsis), 82.9% at ≤24 h (PNA) Quantitative sandwich enzyme immunoassay technique (Quantikine) 32 (ROC, NS) 90 43 NA 67.4 78.6
Berner et al., Germany, (46) ≤4 days 136 preterm and term infants, cord blood samples available in 93 infants: 16 infected, 43 uninfected, 35 healthy controls (1) Positive blood culture or (2) ≥3 categories of clinical signs or laboratory markers (1) Clinical suspicion but neither positive culture, nor ≥3 categories of clinical signs or Cord blood, 0 h (PNA) Double-sandwich enzyme immunoassay (Quantikine) 100 (NA) 87 93 NA 76 97
Døllner et al., Norway, (2) NS 113 NICU preterm and term infants: 24 infected, 89 uninfected (1) Positive blood/CSF culture and clinical signs for sepsis/meningitis or (2) negative blood culture, ≥3 categories of clinical signs and abnormal laboratory results (CRP, I:T ratio) or (3) negative blood culture, respiratory symptoms, X-ray consistent with pneumonia, and abnormal laboratory results Initially suspected of having an infection (not confirmed) Peripheral blood, at NICU admission or on the next day, >92% <4 days (PNA) IL-6–dependent mouse hybridoma cell line B13.29 (clone B9), as described by Ng [(15) cite] 20 (NA) 78 71 NA 40 93
50 (NA) 61 76 NA 38 89
Panero et al., Italy, (33) ≤48 h 60 NICU preterm and term infants: 13 infected, 47 uninfected Positive blood culture and clinical signs of sepsis Infants with various types of distress and non-specific abnormal clinical signs who were well within 48–72 h Venous blood, ≤ 24 h (PNA) Solid-phase sandwich enzyme-amplified sensitivity immunoassay (Medgenix) 70 (ROC, NS) 69 36 NA 23 81
Venous blood, ≤24 h (PNA) 200 (ROC, NS) 38 70 NA 26 80
Venous blood, 24–48 h (PNA) 50 (ROC, NS) 92 96 NA 86 98
Smulian et al., United States, (8) ≤72 h 23 preterm and term infants with suspected EONS: 8 infected, 15 uninfected (1) Positive blood or CSF culture or (2) clinical signs and ≥laboratory abnormalities (WBC, I:T ratio, PC, ABC, or abnormal spinal tap) NA Cord blood (UA), 0 h (PNA) ELISA (Quantikine) 7 (NA) 88.5 66.6 NA 58.8 91
Cord blood (UV), 0 h (PNA) ELISA (Quantikine) 7 (NA) 88.5 93.3 NA 88.5 93.3
Lehrnbecher et al., Germany, (37) ≤48 h 46 NICU preterm and term infants: 13 infected, 33 uninfected (1) Positive blood culture and ≥3 categories of clinical signs or (2) negative blood culture, ≥3 categories of clinical signs and ≥2 abnormal laboratory results in the first 48 h of life NA Cord blood, 0 h (PNA) Enzyme immunoassay (Dianova-Immunotech) 150 (ROC, NS) 69 91 NA NA NA
Messer et al., France, (10) NS 288 NICU/obstetric unit preterm and term infants: 71 infected (36 infected or probably infected, 35 possibly infected, 217 uninfected (1) Positive blood and/or CSF culture, clinical signs, and abnormal laboratory results (CRP, WBC) or (2) Negative culture results but ≥3 categories of clinical signs and abnormal laboratory results or (3) negative culture results, <3 categories of clinical signs, abnormal laboratory results that could have another reason, neither exclusion nor confirmation of sepsis possible Neither clinical nor biological signs of infection Cord or peripheral blood, NA ELISA (Hoffmann-La Roche) 100 (ROC, ULC) 83.3 90.3 NA NA NA
Of the 288 infants, 220 were inborn: 39 infected (18 infected or probably infected, 21 possibly infected), 181 uninfected Cord or peripheral blood, ≤1 h (PNA) 100 92.3 NA 58.8 97
Of the 288 infants, 254 were sampled within the first 12 h of life: NA Cord or peripheral blood, ≤12 h (PNA) 100 89 NA NA NA

NA, not available; NS, not specified; UV, umbilical vein; UA, umbilical artery; PNA, postnatal age; NICU, neonatal intensive care unit; CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; CRP, C-reactive protein; WBC, white blood count; PC, platelet count; ABC, absolute band count; EONS, early-onset neonatal sepsis; AUC, area under the curve; PPV, positive predictive value; NPV, negative predictive value; GA, gestational age.