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. 2022 Mar 23;13:852808. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2022.852808



PROSCOOP12 modulates Arabidopsis defense against Spodoptera littoralis. (A) Insect performance of S. littoralis on proscoop12 mutants in Col-0 and Ws backgrounds. S. littoralis larvae were feeding on 5-week-old plants for 12 days. Means ± SEM of three independent biological replicates are shown. Asterisks denote statistical differences between mutant plants and wild-type controls: **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001 (Mann–Whitney U test). Symbols indicate individual values and symbol shapes (circle, square, and triangle) indicate different biological replicates. (B,C) Jasmonate levels in proscoop12 mutants and the corresponding wild-type controls. Absolute levels of total JA (B) and JA-Ile (C) were measured by UHPLC-MS/MS after 2 days of S. littoralis feeding. Non-infested plants served as controls. Values represent means ± SEM of three independent biological replicates. Letters denote statistical differences (ANOVA followed by Tukey’s HSD). Different symbols indicate different biological replicates.