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. 2022 Apr 6;27(7):9913–9934. doi: 10.1007/s10639-022-11010-x
Question Answer
1. How comfortable are you with online ∘ Very uncomfortable with
learning technology? online learning technology
∘ Uncomfortable with
online learning technology
∘ Neutral
∘Comfortable with online
learning technology
∘ Very comfortable with
online learning technology
2. A clear introduction (including overall ∘∘ Strongly Disagree
design, navigation and faculty inform- ∘ Disagree
ation) was available at the beginning Neutral
of this on-line course. ∘ Agree
∘ Strongly Agree
3. Technology support was available for ∘∘ Strongly Disagree Disagree
using online features of this course. ∘ Neutral
∘ Agree
∘ Strongly Agree
4. Student support (for example, advising, ∘∘ Strongly Disagree
financial aid, registration) was available ∘ Disagree
in using the online format of this Neutral
course. ∘ Agree
∘ Strongly Agree
5. I find it important to be provides with ∘∘ Strongly Disagree Disagree
the learning objectives of a course. ∘ Neutral
∘ Agree
∘ Strongly Disagree
6. The objectives for this online course ∘∘ Strongly Disagree
were provided at the beginning of ∘ Disagree
this course and were clearly described. Neutral
∘ Agree
∘ Strongly Agree
7. The course objectives for this online ∘∘ Strongly Disagree
course were closely related to what ∘ Disagree
I was expected to learn. Neutral
∘ Agree
∘ Strongly Agree
8. The course objectives for this online ∘∘ Strongly Disagree Disagree
course assisted with guiding my ∘ Neutral
learning activities. ∘ Agree
∘ Strongly Agree
9. I find it important to be provided with the ∘∘ Strongly Disagree
course assessment methods at the begin- ∘ Disagree
ning of a course. Neutral
∘ Agree
∘ Strongly Agree
10. The course assessment methods for this ∘∘ Strongly Disagree
online course were provided at the ∘ Disagree
beginning of the course. Neutral
∘ Agree
∘ Strongly Agree
11. The course assessment method for this ∘∘ Strongly Disagree
online course were clearly described. Disagree
∘ Neutral
∘ Strongly Agree
12. The course assessment methods for ∘∘ Strongly Disagree
this online course included a variety ∘ Disagree
of assessment methods. Neutral
∘ Strongly Agree
13. The course assessment methods for ∘∘ Strongly Disagree
this online course were closely related ∘ Disagree
to the course objectives. Neutral
∘ Agree
∘ Strongly Agree
14. I find it important to be provided ∘∘ Strongly Disagree
with course resources and materials Disagree
during a course. ∘ Neutral
∘ Agree
∘ Strongly Agree
15. The course resources and materials ∘∘ Strongly Disagree
for this online course were easily ∘ Disagree
accessible during the course. Neutral
∘ Agree
∘ Strongly Agree
16. The purpose of course resources and ∘∘ Strongly Disagree
materials for this online course were Disagree
clearly described. ∘ Neutral
∘ Agree
∘ Strongly Agree
17. The course resources and materials for ∘∘ Strongly Disagree
online course helped me reach this ∘ Disagree
the course objectives. Neutral
∘ Agree
∘ Strongly Agree
18. The course resources and materials for ∘∘ Strongly Disagree
this online course included a wide variety ∘ Disagree
of resources and materials. Neutral
∘ Agree
∘ Strongly Agree
19. I find it important to interact with ∘∘ Strongly Disagree Disagree
the instructor during a course. ∘ Neutral
∘ Agree
∘ Strongly Agree
20. The course instructor for this online ∘∘ Strongly Disagree Disagree
course interacted with me in a ∘ Neutral
timely fashion. ∘ Agree
∘ Strongly Agree
21. The course interaction with the instr- ∘∘ Strongly Disagree
uctor for this online course helped me ∘ Disagree
reach the course objectives. Neutral
∘ Agree
∘ Strongly Agree
22. The amount of course interaction with ∘∘ Strongly Disagree
other students for this online course ∘ Disagree
was helpful in reaching the course Neutral
objectives. ∘ Agree
∘ Strongly Agree
23. I find it important to be provided ∘∘ Strongly Disagree
with course technology that enhances ∘ Disagree
learning during a course. Neutral
∘ Agree
∘ Strongly Agree
24. The course technology for this ∘∘ Strongly Disagree Disagree
online course was readily available ∘ Neutral
during a course ∘ Agree
∘ Strongly Agree
25. The course technology for this ∘∘ Strongly Disagree Disagree
online course was functioned ∘ Neutral
very well. ∘ Agree
∘ Strongly Agree
26. The course technology for this ∘ Strongly Disagree Disagree
online course was helpful in ∘ Neutral
reaching the course objectives. ∘ Agree
∘ Strongly Agree
27. What’s your gender? ∘ Female
∘ Male
28. How many online courses
have you taken in the past?
(enter a number)
29. What’s your age (optional)?
30. Overall, I’m satisfied with ∘ Strongly Disagree
this online course. ∘ Disagree
∘ Neutral
∘ Agree
Strongly Agree