Figure 4.
(a) Principal component analysis (PC1 and PC2, accounting for 80% of the variance) based on stable isotope values for archaeological walrus rostra and control samples. The variables included are δ13C, δ15N, non-exchangeable δ2H and δ34S. The 95% CI for all specimens of the western genetic clade is shaded in grey. (b–d) Stable isotope values for archaeological walrus rostra and control samples: (b) δ13C and δ15N, (c) δ13C and δ34S and (d) δ15N and non-exchangeable δ2H. Symbols indicate sex and genetic clade where known. For all plots, the Kyiv specimens are circled, and labels indicate the origin of control samples (B is the Barents Sea region, G is Greenland and I is Iceland).