White matter tracts of the neonatal atlas. (Left top and bottom) Corpus callosum (CC); orbital frontal cortex (OFC); prefrontal cortex (PFC); premotor cortex (PMC); motor cortex (MC); parietal cortex (PC); occipital cortex (OC); tapetum (TC). (Top right) Blue = Inferior frontooccipital fasciculus (IFOF), purple = Cingulum superior part (CGC), yellow = Uncinate fasciculus (UNC), red = Fornix (Fx), green = Inferior longitudinal fascicles (ILF). (Bottom right) Green = Superior longitudinal fasciculus II (SLF), yellow = Arcuate fasciculus frontoparietal (AF-fp), red = Arcuate fasciculus temporoparietal (AF-tp), blue = Arcuate fasciculus frontotemporal (AF-ft). The underlying visualization image is a 3D volume rendering of the atlas FA map.