Retrieval state evidence. We trained an L2-logistic regression classifier to discriminate encode versus retrieve trials during List 2. The classifier was trained and tested on averaged β values across 63 electrodes and 46 frequencies. A, The classifier was trained on average β values across the 2000 ms stimulus interval. Mean classification accuracy across all subjects (solid vertical line) is shown along with a histogram of classification accuracies for individual subjects (gray bars) and mean classification accuracy for permuted data across all subjects (dashed vertical line). Mean classification accuracy for permuted data ranged from 49.7% to 50.27% across individual subjects (1000 permutations per subject). Mean classification accuracy was 53.32%, which differed significantly from chance (p = 0.0148). B-D, We trained and tested four classifiers on four 500 ms time intervals within the 2000 ms stimulus interval. B, When we average retrieval evidence over instruction, we find a significant interaction between distance and time interval (p = 0.0018) driven by greater retrieval evidence on near compared with far trials early in the stimulus interval. C, When we average retrieval evidence over distance, we find a significant interaction between instruction and time interval (p = 0.0026) driven by greater retrieval evidence on retrieve compared with encode trials late in the stimulus interval. D, We do not find a three-way interaction between instruction, distance, and time (p = 0.869). Error bars indicate SEM. *p < 0.05, ***p < 0.001, uncorrected.