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. 2022 Apr 5;27(1):2041366. doi: 10.1080/10872981.2022.2041366

Table A4.

Training methods and delivery

First author Year Published Location Rural / Urban Income classification Training duration & delivery Trainees
(Number, role/discipline, previous US experience)
(Qualification of instructor/s & ratio of instructor to trainees)
Course topics & Practical skills taught
(Obstetric only or multiple organs systems)
Follow-up training & support (Refresher training, follow-up assessment, distance or online support & mentoring provided/offered)
Adler [66]
Africa, Tanzania (refugee camp)
4 days- Morning lectures followed by afternoon practical.
10 trainees-
4 Physicians, 6 Clinical officers. US experience not specified/unclear.
Instructor credentials and group sizes not specified.
Multiple systems- Basic US physics, knobology, & reviews of clinical US including: US evaluation of 1st trimester pregnancy; Pregnancy dating & fetal position; FAST; US evaluation of the abdominal aorta; Hepatobiliary US; US-guided procedures; Soft tissue US; Basic echocardiography; Renal US.
Follow-up at 2 years- 1 instructional session to reinforce prior learning.
Baltarowich [61]
Africa- Sub-Saharan
(Training conducted in USA)
3 months- didactic lectures, case review sessions, informal teaching sessions, conferences, hands-on sessions using a variety of equipment, & clinical observation rotations.
12 Physicians-
11 radiologists, 1 intern.US experience- 2 to 20+ years.
Training groups of 6.
Multiple systems- Focus on OBs with In-depth training in: US physics, instrumentation, cross-sectional anatomy, abdomen, OB/GYN.
Overview of diagnostic US in the areas of vascular, echocardiography, musculoskeletal, paediatrics, thyroid, prostate, sonomammography, & interventional techniques. Care & maintenance of US equipment, preparation techniques for effective teaching.
Follow-up written test after 6 months, 8/12 trainees returned for a 4 week update program at 12 months.
Bell [22]
Africa, Kenya
1 day & 1–2 follow-up sessions offered every 3–5 months for 1 year.
81 trainees- Equal proportion of doctors, nurses & clinical officers.
Several sonographers & 1 lab assistant.
Most with no US experience.
US credentialed EM physicians. 4–5 trainees in practical sessions.
Ratio 1:4–5
Multiple systems-
Physics & machine use; OB exam for intrauterine pregnancy, cul-de-sac fluid, FH activity & position; The abdominal, pleural & cardiac assessment for free fluid; The thoracic exam for pneumothorax.
1–2 follow-up refresher sessions offered at 3 to 5 months.
Dalmacion [25]
Asia, Philippines
Rural & urban study sites
2–3 days- Classroom lectures & hands-on training.
2–3 days scanning pregnant women recruited by the study.
20 trainees- 6 doctors, 9 midwives, 5 nurses. US experience not specified/unclear.
Credentialed OB sonographers. All lectures delivered by team leader. Obstetrics only-
Trained to identify & measure 5 OB US images-
1. Viability of the fetus
2. Number of pregnancies
3. Fetal presentation
4. Placental location
5. Amniotic fluid volume (AFV) using maximal vertical pocket
Dornhofer [54]
Indonesia, East Java
Urban UMIC
4 weeks- 6 sessions (3–4 days apart), 6 hours of lectures & 18 hours of practical.
51 Trainees- 19 physicians, 19 midwives, 13 nurses. 36 (65%) had no prior US exposure, 40 (73%) observed US in practice, 4 (7%) attended prior US course.
8 Medical students- 1st year of medical education completed including- lectures on PoCUS for 8 organ systems & 10 hours of supervised hands-on training per organ system, assessment using healthy volunteers. Ratio 1:4 or 1:5 for hands-on training, 2 medical student instructors per US machine/station to 10 trainees.
Multiple systems-
6 session, 1 OB/GYN focussed
1. Basic US including US physics, machine knobology, probe manipulation, & scanning techniques.
2. Pulmonary US, evaluation of pneumothorax, pleural effusions, & pneumonia.
3. Cardiac US in the parasternal long axis view, parasternal short axis view, apical four chamber view, & subxiphoid view.
4. Abdominal US- hepatic, biliary, renal, intestinal, aorta, & inferior vena cava.
5. OB/GYN US including identification of intrauterine pregnancy, estimated GA, visualization of the ovaries, & bladder.
6. Combination of previous sessions to aid FAST & the Focused Assessment with Sonography for HIV-Associated Tuberculosis (FASH).
Henwood [53]
Africa, Rwanda
10-day course.
6 months scanning assessment for image accuracy.
17 Physicians-
US experience not specified/unclear.
EM physicians with expertise in PoCUS, consultant obstetricians & radiologists.
Multiple systems-
Introduction to PoCUS & common applications. OBs- Gestational sac, Yolk sac, Fetal pole, FHR, Endomyometrial mantle, CRL, BPD, FL, Fetal lie, placental location, Placenta previa, Hydramnios. Echocardiography, Abdominal, Lung, Spleen, Liver, Biliary, Renal, Soft tissue.
Follow-up training every 6 weeks for 6 months trial period with regular practical assessments. Onsite image review & technical assistance.
Kimberly [62]
Africa, Zambia
6 months- 3 training periods of 2 to 3 weeks interspersed by 2 to 3 months of independent scanning under minimal supervision 21 Midwives- No prior US experience. 3 emergency US fellowship trained physicians. Obstetrics only-
US machine use, cleaning & storage, Patient data entry, image saving (for review), & exam datasheet completion.
Practical- Identify basic OB applications: Fetal presentation (vertex or breach), FHR (presence & use of callipers to calculate the rate), Placental location (anterior, posterior, low-lying, or previa), number of gestations & GA based on BPD & FL.
1 year follow-up visit questionnaire of PoCUS application & frequency, no additional training.
Kolbe [26]
Central America, Nicaragua
Rural & urban study sites
Daily morning didactic sessions & practical workshops, afternoon US of patients from the community (course duration unclear), followed by 3 months remote guidance & telecommunication.
4 trainees- 2 postgraduate rural medicine physicians, 1 nurse, 1 nursing assistant. US experience not specified/unclear.
Experienced international sonographers. Ratio 1:4.
Multiple systems-
OBs- Normal pregnancy, Fetal viability; Complicated pregnancy (Ectopic pregnancy, Placenta previa, Placenta abruption).
Other systems- Echocardiography, Hemodynamic evaluation, Pleural, Lung, Abdominal & Vascular US.
Weekly 60–90 min remote guidance sessions & telecommunication supportfor 3 months following training.
Kotagal [56]
USA, Washington
Urban aimed at rural deployment
14 hours- 7 sessions of 2 hours over 3 months.
16 General surgery residents-Limited previous US training
(guidance for central venous catheter placement & a brief FAST training).
Multidisciplinary faculty (Surgery, Radiology, Anaesthetics & EM) with expertise in PoCUS.
Multiple systems-
Topics- US physics, knobology, safety & artifacts; FAST; Skin & soft tissue US; OB US (early & late pregnancy); Focused echocardiography & volume assessment; Procedural guidance US (paracentesis, thoracentesis, & pericardiocentesis); Vascular US (abdominal aorta & deep vein thrombosis); US guided regional anaesthesia.
Lathrop [58]
USA, Indianapolis
Half day workshop-
45 minute instruction session followed by practical.
4 Advanced practice Nurses (APN)-
3 attended previous didactic US training.
Credentialed US provider.
Ratio 1: 2–3 for practical workstations.
Obstetric Only-
Instruction session (45 mins)-
Review US standards of care, basic review of US physics & instrumentation, indications, clinical significance & documentation.
Practical session- Fetal number, demonstration of life, estimate amniotic fluid, placenta location & fetal presentation.
Learning portfolio- (a) documentation of didactic learning (certificates from US-related training or workshops attended); (b) readings (journal articles, clinical bulletins, & practice statements); (c) US cases.
No follow-up of trainees reported but an additional future workshop planned to include more advanced skills, such as fetal biometry, first-trimester US, & cervical length measurement.
Lee [55]
Indonesia, Bandung
4 weeks – 6 sessions. Each session- 30 min lecture followed by 2 hours hands-on training.
41 Physicians- 22 (53.7%) no prior US experience, 18 (43.9%) observed US in practice, 1 (2.4%) attended prior US course.
Medical students- 1st year of medical education completed including- lectures on PoCUS for 8 organ systems & 10 hours of supervised hands-on training per organ system, assessment using healthy volunteers.
Multiple systems-
6 sessions, 38 US milestones.
1- Basic US including physics, knobology, probe manipulation & scanning techniques.
2- Pulmonary US, evaluation of pneumothorax, pleural effusions & pneumonia.
3- Cardiac US in the parasternal long axis
view, parasternal short axis view, apical four chamber view & subxiphoid view.
4- abdominal US (hepatic, biliary, renal, intestinal, aorta & inferior vena cava).
5- OB/GYN US (identification of intrauterine pregnancy, estimated GA, visualization of the ovaries & bladder).
6- combination of previous sessions to aid FAST & the Focused Assessment with Sonography for HIV-Associated Tuberculosis (FASH).
Follow-up scheduled for 12 months to re-test trainees & assess use of US.
Lindgaard [52]
Denmark, Odense
2 days practical & feedback session following online learning package.
5 General Practitioners-
4 specialist GPs, 1 final year resident. No formal US training.
Instructors from Center of Clinical US, University of Aarhus.
Multiple systems-
E-learning online lectures- Basic US knowledge- physics & US equipment; Focused US examinations of thoracic structures, abdomen, vascular & musculoskeletal.
Practical exams conducted- Intrauterine pregnancy; GA; Gall-stones; Ascites; Abdominal aorta.
Mandavia [67]
USA, California
16 hours over 2 days.
8 hours lectures & 8 hours practical.
80 trainees- 16 attending physicians, 53 ED house officers, 4 physician assistants, 7 medical students.
Prior US training experience- none (58), minimal 1–5hrs (6), moderate 5–10 hrs (9), & extensive >10 hrs (7).
Board-certified US trained EM physicians & certified registered diagnostic medical sonographers. Ratio 4:1 per US/station for hands-on learning. Multiple systems-
Curriculum based on Society for Academic Emergency Medicine guidelines.
Lectures- Basic physics; Pelvis & OB; Right upper quadrant; Renal; Aorta; Trauma; Echocardiography.
Practical- OB skills included: Detection of early intrauterine pregnancy &/or free pelvic fluid; Detection of live fetus in 2nd/3rd trimesters.
Follow-up identical test at 10 months & images performed over this time reviewed for accuracy.
Nathan [49]
5 sites: Democratic Republic of Congo, Karawa
Guatemala, Chimaltenango
Kenya, Eldoret
Pakistan, KarachI
Zambia, Lusaka
2 weeks- One third didactic sessions, two thirds practical scanning.
2 supervised US exams on each day of the course.
41 Trainees- 10 medical officers, 18 nurses, 6 midwives, 7 radiographers. No prior US experience.
Training under the direction of a Radiologist. Local sonographer for ongoing training, QA & trainee evaluation.
Image review by: Radiologist (25 yrs in OB US), 2 professors of OBs; a professor of radiology (10 yrs in OB US); & 2 lead OB sonographers.Training groups of 4 to 12 – ratio not specified.
Obstetric only-
Curriculum development-
Didactic & hands-on instruction, printed materials, extensive quality assurance activities, educational outreach visits, daily schedule, speaker notes for PowerPoint slides, & explicit instructions for each practical scanning session.
Topics- Patient communication, safety, & comfort; Infection prevention & control; Care & security of the equipment; US physics & instrumentation; Anatomic planes & introduction to tomography.
Practical skills- Detection of cardiac activity; Fetal number, Fetal position, Amniotic fluid assessment; BPD; HC; AC; FL; Placental position; Cervical length at 16–24 weeks; Detection of some anomalies (ventriculomegaly, anencephaly, hydronephrosis, & spina bifida).
For the 12 week pilot period- Monthly follow-up & practical assessment. Local instructors met trainees to discuss performance & observe scanning progress bi-weekly.
Image feedback from quality control website.
Targeted remedial training given to some trainees.
Rominger [24]
Mexico, Chiapas
16 days training over 12 month duration. Total of 4 sessions (each session 4 day course) every 3–4 months.
10 Physicians-Little to no prior US experience.
Obstetrician, Paediatric EM physician, EM physician & residents. 6 to 10 trainees per 2 instructors.
Ratio 1:3–5
Multiple systems-
1- Introduction to US, equipment use & care, FAST, kidney & bladder evaluation, basic OBs.
2- Lung, skin & soft tissue, & musculoskeletal US.
3- OB/GYN physician taught focused on OBs.
4- Review of US basics, cardiovascular, advanced abdomen, & ocular.
Case logs & images (35%) reviewed for quality assurance & feedback.
Shah [45]
Africa, Uganda
2 days intensive training course followed supervised (Master trainer) scanning 2–3 days per week for 3 weeks. Multidisciplinary
25 Trainees- 20 midwives, 3 nurses, 2 physicians. No prior US experience.
Certified sonographer, OB/GYN resident physician, family physician & 3 EM physicians with US training. Instructors had prior experience in PoCUS in LMIC. Ratio 1:3 for practical scanning. Obstetrics only-
Short lectures & hands-on demonstrations using healthy volunteers, hands-on live scanning practice on 3rd trimester antenatal patients not in labor, & mock active labor patients.
Topics- US knobs & Physics; US Safety; Principles of adult learning; US teaching methods; Hands-on training techniques; Fetal position; Placental position; Fluid volume; Multiple gestation; FHR; Estimating GA: BPD, HC, FL, TCD; Common learner mistakes.
Twice weekly distance/online communication for 3 months.Confidence survey repeated at 3 months.
Key informant interviews assessed trainee’ perception of training program
Shah [48]
USA, North-western
3 hours- 1 hour lecture, 2 hours practical.
31 Emergency physicians-
17 attendings, 14 residents. Range of no prior experience to experienced.
US fellowship trained EM physicians.
1:1 for hands-on instruction.
Obstetric only-
Mechanics of TA & TV US. General review of 1st trimester US including- Normal US findings in 1st trimester,
Other abnormal US findings in early pregnancy (fetal demise, molar pregnancy), finding FHR using M-mode, measurement of GA using CRL, & ectopic pregnancy.
Late pregnancy US including fetal lie & identification of the fetal head, & fetal biometry including measurement of BPD, FL, HC & AC.
Practical- live models in the 2nd & 3rd trimester of pregnancy.
Shah [47]
Africa, Rwanda Kirehe & Rwinkwavu in Eastern Province
9 weeks- 1 hour lecture (15 lectures total) followed by 1–2 hours practical.
10 Physicians-Little to no prior US experience.
US training sessions conducted by a 4th year EM resident with prior US experience (including OB US) during residency training & credentialing certification.
Multiple systems-
Principles of US physics; Machine operation; Potential uses of US; Outline of lecture series, training expectations, image & data sheet recording instructions.
OB US including 1st trimester basics- ectopic or molar pregnancy, estimating GA, & evaluation of fetal position, cervix & placenta.
Cardiac US; Hepato-biliary US; Renal US; Advanced applications- US evaluation of DVT, procedures including vascular access, abscess evaluation & drainage, US guided paracentesis & thoracentesis.
Image accuracy & quality assessed by expert review. Telecommunication (email) support offered.
Shah [46]
Africa, Rwanda, Kirehe & Rwinkwavu in Eastern Province
9 weeks- 1 hour lecture (15 lectures total) followed by 1–2 hours practical. 15 physicians- 0–4 h of prior US training solely in OBs. US training sessions conducted by a 4th year EM resident with prior US experience (including OB US) during residency training & credentialing certification. Cardiac echo lecture given by visiting Cardiologist.1:1 for scanning practice during ward rounds. Other group sizes not specified. Multiple systems-
Principles of US physics; Machine operation; Potential uses of US; Outline of lecture series, training expectations, image & data sheet recording instructions.
OB US including 1st trimester basics- ectopic or molar pregnancy, estimating GA, & evaluation of fetal position, cervix & placenta.
Cardiac US; Hepato-biliary US; Renal US; Advanced applications- US evaluation of DVT, procedures including vascular access, abscess evaluation & drainage, US guided paracentesis & thoracentesis.
Image accuracy & quality to be assessed by expert review (Shah 2009).
Telecommunication (email) support offered.
Shaw-Battista [29]
USA, California
10 asynchronous online modules followed by 4 hours training- 2 hour seminar, 2 hour practical.
Initial course- 72 trainees-
Midwives, nurses, family practice physicians, physician assistants
Developed course- 162 trainees- Midwives, nurses, nurse practitioners, medical & midwifery students, family practice & OB physicians, physician assistants. Range of no prior US experience to experienced.
Senior OB & family medicine residents (advanced trainees & licensed clinicians).Ratio 1:3–5 during practical sessions.
Obstetrics only-
Asynchronous online module topics-
Indications for OB US; Documentation, communication, liability, & risk-reduction strategies; US physics, equipment, & optimizing image quality; Normal 1st trimester US; Abnormal 1st trimester US; Limited 2nd & 3rd trimester US; Fetal biophysical profile; 2nd & 3rd trimester fetal biometrics; Use of OB US on the labor & delivery ward; Interprofessional OB US training & practice.
Shokoohi [51]
Africa, Tanzania, Malawi & Uganda
Rural & urban
2 day training course. Online modules & educational materials provided.
49 Trainees (initial 63 with 78% response rate)-
7 midwives, 42 physicians (different specialties).21/49 never performed independent US,29/49 limited US training during residency.
Sonographer. Ratio 1:3–4 during course. Ratio 1:1 for in clinic training.
Multiple systems-
Topics- review of the concepts for clinician- performed US, introduction to the US machine & controls, the focused assessment with sonography for trauma/focused assessment with sonography for human immunodeficiency virus/tuberculosis (FAST/FASH), abdominal US exam, echocardiography, lung, renal/bladder & abdominal US
Midwives & obstetricians received focused training on gynaecologic US & 1st & 3rd trimester US.
Telecommunication support- Online feedback on transmitted images from independent scanning after training
Stolz [30]
Africa, Uganda
2 years- US lectures delivered intermittently over the 2-year ‘emergency care for non-physicians’ curriculum (train the trainer model) with the core US lectures occurring early in the programme. 13 Nurses-US experience not specified/unclear. EM physicians with fellowship training in emergency US or strong clinical competency in emergency US. Multiple systems-
1. Introduction to PoCUS, Machine care, basic physics & US principles, image optimisation, knobology,
safety, patient consent & documentation in the medical record.
2. FAST; 3. Echocardiography; 4. Hepatobiliary US; 5. Renal US; 6. Soft tissue US; 7. Lung US; 8. Aorta US; 9. Inferior vena cava US; 10. OB/GYN US- Evaluation of intrauterine pregnancy, signs of ectopic pregnancy, pelvic free fluid, adnexal mass, foetal heart rate, foetal movement, fetal dating & fetal presentation
11. Abdominal US; 12. Procedural guidance with US; 13. US assessment for deep vein thrombosis.
Swanson [85]
6 weeks- Lectures, small-group tutorials, audio-visual materials & supervised clinical scanning.
14 midwives- 13 no prior US experience, 1 experienced.
Primary instructors’ credentials not specified. Sonographer for ongoing scanning support.
Obstetric only-
Curriculum included US physics, relevant anatomy & physiology, instrumentation & basic maintenance.
Screening included- cardiac activity (yes, no), fetal presentation (cephalic, breech & others) & fetal number, Placental position (normal, previa & low lying), Pain & bleeding (complete abortion, incomplete abortion, blighted ovum, ectopic pregnancy or placental abnormality).
Ongoing training resource in onsite sonographer available to trainees on return to clinic
Vinayak [63]
Africa, Kenya
Outer regional & Rural
4 weeks- 1 hour lecture, 6 hours practical, 1 hour feedback & debrief per day (days per week unclear).
Several days of assessment after course completion.
3 midwives- No prior US experience.
‘Experienced sonographers. Ratio 1:3.
Obstetrics only-
1. E-learning module- introduction to general principles of US, US physics & OB US.
2. Post module test
3. Didactic lectures- US knobology, general & OB US
4. Hands-on practical experience.
Practical skills-
HC, AC, FL & FHR & rhythm. Placenta location & distance of lower lip from the cervix & estimated the amount of amniotic fluid (obtained from four images, one image for each quadrant).
Vyas [70]
America, Panama (Training in USA)
12 hours- 6 sessions on OB US instruction, termed “Rural Obstetric Ultrasound Triage Exam” (ROUTE).
8 medical students- Prior basic US training in medical school curriculum.
Trainer- 3rd year OB/GYN resident physician.
Assessment by board certified OB/GYN physicians.
Obstetric only-
ROUTE including identification of- fetal lie, placental position, DVP, amniotic fluid index (AFI), BPD, & HC for 2nd & 3rd trimester.
Wanjiku [21]
Africa, Kenya
1 day practical training following self-directed online pre-training. Multidisciplinary
33 trainees- Clinical officers, Nurses, Medical officers. All had previously completed a novel pilot PoCUS training program.
Other prior US training excluded participation.
Certified Instructors. Multiple systems-
Standardized OSCE trainees assessed on – FAST (Trauma assessment), 1st & 2nd/3rd trimester scanning skills, i.e., identification of the gestational sac, 1st trimester dating using crown-rump length, detecting & measuring the FHR, identifying the presenting part, locating the placenta, & measurement of HC & BPD.
Follow-up in-facility testing scheduled 3–4 months after initial training.
3–4 month refresher training offered to trainees who failed practical assessment.
Westerway [50]
Rural & urban
Indonesia/Central Asia/Timor Leste
6 separate PoCUS courses compared.
Ranging from 4 to 18 hours total. Up to 6 hours lecture, 3–12 hours practical.
55 trainees- 15 medical practitioners, 23 midwives, 9 nurses, 8 radiographers. No prior US experience.
Experienced OB US tutors.
Same lead lecturer for all 6 courses.
Ratio from 1: 2–5 (average 1:4).
Obstetric only-
Curriculum- Clinical history- pregnancy progression; Knobology, image optimisation (depth, focus, gain) & probe use; Theory behind performing a limited fetal anatomical assessment & 3rd trimester fetal biometry.
Practical checklist- Image optimisation; Probe movements; Fetal lie; FHR; Recognition of fetal anatomy (heart, stomach & bladder); Amniotic fluid estimate (single deepest pocket); Identification of cervix & placental position; Fetal biometry measurements (BPD, HC, AC, FL).
Follow-up test & practical at 6 & 11 months
Key- *NR = not reported/described
AC – Abdominal Circumference
AFV – Amniotic fluid volume
BPD – Biparietal Diameter
CRL – Crown to Rump Length
DVP – Deepest Vertical Pocket
ED – Emergency Department
EGA – Estimated Gestational Age
EM – Emergency Medicine
FAST – Focused Assessment with Sonography in Trauma
FH – Fetal Heart
FHR – Fetal Heart Rate
FL – Femur Length
GA – Gestational Age
HC – Head Circumference
HIC – High-income country
LIC – Low-income country
LMIC – Lower-middle-income country
LRS – Low-resource setting
OB – Obstetric
OB/GYN – Obstetrics and Gynaecology
OSCE – Objective Structured Clinical Examination
TA – Transabdominal
TCD – Trans Cerebellar Diameter
TV – Transvaginal
UMIC – Upper-middle-income country
US – Ultrasound