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. 2022 Mar 24;10:808212. doi: 10.3389/fcell.2022.808212


Correlation analysis between ITGAL and related genes and markers of immune cells in Tumor Immune Estimation Resource (TIMER2.0).

Description Gene markers STAD
None Purity
Cor p Cor p
CD8+ T cell CD8A 0.845 *** 0.83 ***
CD8B 0.658 *** 0.64 ***
T cell (general) CD3D 0.873 *** 0.856 ***
CD3E 0.904 *** 0.894 ***
CD2 0.691 *** 0.88 ***
B cell CD19 0.893 *** - -
CD79A 0.711 *** 0.683 ***
Monocyte CD86 0.75 *** 0.733 ***
CD115 (CSF1R) 0.712 *** 0.716 ***
TAM CCL2 0.414 *** 0.373 ***
CD68 0.498 *** 0.49 ***
IL10 0.556 *** 0.53 ***
M1 Macrophage INOS (NOS2) 0.146 * 0.139 *
IRF5 0.42 *** 0.399 ***
COX2(PTGS2) −0.053 0.28 −0.098 0.0561
M2 Macrophage CD163 0.631 *** 0.626 ***
VSIG4 0.549 *** 0.546 ***
MS4A4A 0.669 *** 0.657 ***
Neutrophils CD66b −0.001 0.978 −0.009 0.859
CD11b (ITGAM) 0.666 *** 0.656 ***
CCR7 0.784 *** 0.76 ***
Natural killer cell KIR2DL1 0.339 *** 0.312 ***
KIR2DL3 0.31 *** 0.269 ***
KIR2DL4 0.416 *** 0.382 ***
KIR3DL1 0.39 *** 0.382 ***
KIR3DL2 0.481 *** 0.45 ***
KIR3DL3 0.137 * 0.153 *
KIR2DS4 0.341 *** 0.321 ***
Dendritic cell HLA-DPB1 0.791 *** 0.771 ***
HLA-DQB1 0.616 *** 0.57 ***
HLA-DRA 0.733 *** 0.71 ***
HLA-DPA1 0.722 *** 0.696 ***
BDCA-1(CD1C) 0.616 *** 0.583 ***
BDCA-4(NRP1) 0.469 *** 0.447 ***
CD11c (ITGAX) 0.718 *** 0.713 ***
Th1 T -bet (TBX21) 0.882 *** 0.877 ***
STAT4 0.83 *** 0.826 ***
STAT1 0.527 *** 0.533 ***
IFN-γ (IFNG) 0.605 *** 0.59 ***
TNF-α (TNF) 0.356 *** 0.286 ***
Th2 GATA3 0.64 *** 0.616 ***
STAT6 0.287 *** 0.313 ***
STAT5A 0.631 *** 0.622 ***
IL13 0.183 ** 0.173 **
Tfh BCL6 0.324 *** 0.301 ***
IL21 0.531 *** 0.511 ***
Th17 STAT3 0.411 *** 0.416 ***
IL17A 0.1 0.0417 0.095 0.0651
Treg FOXP3 0.801 *** 0.779 ***
CCR8 0.738 *** 0.733 ***
STAT5B 0.485 *** 0.509 ***
TGFβ (TGFB1) 0.499 *** 0.485 ***
T cell exhaustion PD-1 (PDCD1) 0.799 *** 0.78 ***
PDL1(PDCD1LG2) 0.757 *** 0.745 ***
CTLA4 0.702 *** 0.668 ***
LAG3 0.735 *** 0.718 ***
TIM-3 (HAVCR2) 0.751 *** 0.74 ***
GZMB 0.562 *** 0.523 ***

Note. STAD, stomach adenocarcinoma; TAM, tumor-associated macrophage; Th, T helper cell; Tfh, Follicular helper T cell; Treg, regulatory T cell; Cor, R value of Spearman’s correlation; None, correlation without adjustment; Purity; correlation adjusted by purity.

*p < 0.01; **p < 0.001; ***p < 0.0001.