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. 2021 Sep 3;85(2):165–174. doi: 10.4046/trd.2021.0028

Table 4.

Association between catastrophic total cost and the patients’ personal and demographic characteristics (n=151)

Factor Catastrophic total cost, n (%)
χ2 p-value cOR (95% CI) aOR (95% CI)
Yes (n=50) No (n=101)
Age, yr
<40 27.0 (31.8) 58.0 (68.2) 0.2 0.690 0.9 (0.4–1.7) -
≥40 (r) 23.0 (34.8) 43.0 (65.2)
Male 45.0 (49.5) 46.0 (50.5) 27.6 <0.001* 10.8 (3.9–29.4) 1.4 (0.3–6.0)
Female (r) 5.0 (8.3) 55.0 (91.7)
Illiterate/read and write 28.0 (32.2) 59.0 (67.8) 0.1 0.778 0.9 (0.5–1.8)
Primary and above (r) 22.0 (34.4) 42.0 (65.6)
Marital status
Ever married 33.0 (32.4) 69.0 (67.6) 0.1 0.775 0.9 (0.4–1.9)
Never married (r) 17.0 (34.7) 32.0 (65.3)
Rent 31.0 (38.3) 50.0 (49.5) 2.1 0.147 1.7 (0.8–3.3) 0.4 (0.1–1.3)
Own (r) 19.0 (27.1) 51.0 (72.9)
Poor 12.0 (36.4) 21.0 (63.6) 0.2 0.653 1.2 (0.5–2.7)
Non-poor (r) 38.0 (32.2) 80.0 (67.8)
Household Crowding Index
>2 10.0 (55.6) 8.0 (44.4) 4.6 0.031* 2.9 (1.1–7.9) 1.1 (0.3–4.3)
≤2 (r) 40.0 (30.1) 93.0 (69.9)
The patient 47.0 (55.3) 38.0 (44.7) 43.2 <0.001* 25.9 (7.5–89.3) 9.8 (1.9–49.7)
Another family member (r) 3.0 (4.5) 63.0 (95.5)
TB type
Pulmonary 39.0 (42.4) 53.0 (57.6) 9.2 0.002* 3.2 (1.5–6.9) 3.1 (0.9–10.7)
Extra-pulmonary (r) 11.0 (18.6) 48.0 (81.4)
Diagnostic delay, day
>90 20.0 (37.7) 33.0 (62.3) 0.8 0.375 1.4 (0.7–2.8)
≤90 (r) 30.0 (30.6) 68.0 (69.4)
Distance to chest dispensary, min
>30 13.0 (31.0) 29.0 (69.0) 0.1 0.726 0.9 (0.4–1.9)
≤30 (r) 37.0 (33.9) 72.0 (66.1)
COVID lockdown
Early lockdown 11.0 (44.0) 14.0 (56.0) 1.1 0.205 1.8 (0.7–4.2) 7.0 (1.6–31.2)
Pre-COVID era (r) 39.0 (31.0) 87.0 (69.0)

Statistically significant at p<0.05.

Reference category.

cOR: crude odds ratio; CI: confidence interval; aOR: adjusted odds ratio; TB: tuberculosis.