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. 2022 Mar 24;13:785592. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2022.785592


Effects of selected antipsychotics, D3R agonists, antagonists, on the [3H](+)-PHNO uptake in rat striatum and cerebellum L9,10 region*,&.

Route Administered highest dose (mg/kg) Striatal ED50 (mg/kg) CB L9/10 ED50 (mg/kg) Striatum/
CB L9,10 ratio
(+)-PHNO p.o. 1 >1 (33) 0.05 (95) >>20
(−)-Pramipexole (PRP) s.c. 1 >1 (39) 0.018 (96) >>55
Partial agonists
Aripiprazole (ARP) p.o. 30 7.65 (92) >30 (14) <<0.26
Cariprazine (CAR) p.o. 3 0.23 (99) 0.43 (99) 0.53
Cariprazine i.v. 0.023 (94) 0.035 (98) 0.66
DD-CAR+ p.o. 10 0.58 (99) 0.41 (100) 0.66
Amisulpride (AMS) i.p. 30 >30 (35) 3.0 (82) >10
Asenapine (ASN) s.c. 1 0.037 (95) 0.177 (74) 0.21
Clozapine# (CLZ) p.o. 60 60 (34) 60 (29) n.c.
Haloperidol (HP) p.o. 3 0.23 (100) 1.05 (100) 0.22
Olanzapine (OLZ) p.o. 30 1.46 (91) ∼30 (48) ∼0.05
Quetiapine# QUET) p.o. 250 250 (36) 250 (36) n.c.
Raclopride (RCP) s.c. 1 0.013 (98) 0.072 (97) 0.18
Risperidone (RSP) p.o. 3 0.29 (89) ∼2.3 (53) ∼0.13
SB-277011A (SB) p.o. 30 >30 (28) 1.31 (100) >>23
SV-156 s.c. 10 0.89 (84) >12 (20) <<0.07
Ziprasidone (ZPR) p.o. 30 1.63 (92) ∼30 (52) ∼0.05

*The ED50 doses were calculated from individual dose response curves consisting of at least 4–5 doses with 3–8 animals in each dose-group. Group means were analyzed by one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by Tukey-Kramer post-hoc multiple comparison test. The highest inhibition percentage achieved at the highest applied are given in the brackets. Where the highest achieved inhibition at highest applied dose was around 50% percent, approximate ED50 values are given and are marked with ∼ sign.

+DD-CAR, didesmethyl-cariprazine; one of the major human metabolites of cariprazine.

#In case of clozapine and quetiapine the highest achievable inhibition was less than 50%, thus ED50 could not be calculated.

&Kiss et al. (82).