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. 2021 Aug 21;66(Suppl 1):i56–i70. doi: 10.1093/annweh/wxab060

Table 2.

Censoring in the original RP personal measurements (after exclusions, see text) and after recalculationa.

Benzene Cyclohexane EB n-Heptane n-Hexane Toluene THC TMBs Xylenes, totalb 2-BE d-Limonene Grand total
Personal samples (N)c 26 161 3361 26 161 3361 3361 26 161 26 161 3361 26 161 941 221 14 5411
 Lab 1 4615 3361 4615 3361 3361 4615 4615 3361 4615 941 0 37 460
 Lab 2 21 546 0 21 546 0 0 21 546 21 546 0 21 546 0 221 107 951
Personal samples censored prior to recalculation (N) 25 403 3036 25 564 2906 2730 24 985 21 738 3094 25 188 752 89 135 485
 Lab 1 4541 3036 4198 2906 2730 4061 2225 3094 3877 752 0 31 420
 Lab 2 20 832 0 21 366 0 0 20 924 19 513 0 21 311 0 89 104 065
Percentage of censored samples prior to recalculation 97.1 90.3 97.7 86.5 81.2 95.5 83.1 92.1 96.3 79.9 40.3 93.2
 Lab 1 98.4% 90.3% 91.0% 86.5% 81.2% 88.0% 48.2% 92.1% 84.0% 79.9% 83.9%
 Lab 2 96.8% 0.0% 99.2% 0.0% 0.0% 97.1% 90.6% 0.0% 98.9% 0.0% 40.3% 96.4%
Personal samples censored after recalculation (N) 23 210 2354 22 523 1946 1716 17 544 2920 1517 13 702 548 28 88 008
 Lab 1 4039 2354 2576 1946 1716 1701 1031 1517 1765 548 28 19 193
 Lab 2 19 171 0 19 947 0 0 15 843 1889 0 11 937 0 0 68 815
Percentage of censored samples after recalculation 88.7 70.0 86.1 57.9 51.1 67.1 11.2 45.1 52.4 58.2 12.7 60.5
 Lab 1 87.5% 70.0% 55.8% 57.9% 51.1% 36.9% 22.3% 45.1% 38.2% 58.2% 0.0% 51.2%
 Lab 2 89.0% 0.0% 92.6% 0.0% 0.0% 73.5% 8.8% 0.0% 55.4% 0.0% 12.7% 63.8%
Reduction in percentage censoring 8.4% 20.3% 11.6% 28.6% 30.2% 28.4% 71.9% 46.9% 43.9% 21.7% 27.6% 32.7%
 Lab 1 10.9% 20.3% 35.1% 28.6% 30.2% 51.1% 25.9% 46.9% 45.8% 21.7% 0.0% 32.6%
 Lab 2 7.9% 0.0% 6.6% 0.0% 0.0% 23.6% 81.8% 0.0% 43.5% 0.0% 27.6% 32.7%

a 2-BE, 2-butoxyethanol; EB, ethylbenzene; RP, Responsible Party; THC, total hydrocarbons; TMBs, trimethylbenzenes.

b m-, o-, and p-isomers.

c Lab 1 primarily collected and analyzed offshore measurements; lab 2 primarily collected near shore and land measurements.