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. 2022 Apr 7;66(Suppl 1):i3–i22. doi: 10.1093/annweh/wxab107

Table 1.

Overview of the exposure assessment process

Steps Reference Comment
Questionnaire development
 Reviewed air measurement data for determinant information to develop exposure groups that could link to questions in the questionnaire Stenzel, Groth, Huynh et al., 2021 Due to limited job title information in measurement database, interview questionnaire focused on work activities
 Developed dermal exposure questions Stewart et al., 2021 Input data for GuLF DREAM (below)
Exposure groups (EGs)
 Reviewed and coded measurement data for exposure determinants that were identifiable for study participants Stenzel, Groth, Huynh et al., 2021 Based on exposure determinants, primarily on job-activity-task, location, and time (Supplementary Tables S1 and S2, available at Annals of Work Exposures and Health online).
Exposure estimation
  Investigated effect of censorship of measurements, small sample sizes, high variability, and multiple LODs and distributions on various statistical approaches. Selected estimation model Huynh et al., 2014, 2016 Selected Bayesian methods to develop exposure statistics: selected N ≥ 5 and % censoring ≤80 as criteria for exposure estimation of an EG
  Recalculated the personal monitoring data to reflect the analytic LOD Stenzel, Groth, Banerjee et al., 2021 Overall censoring decreased from 93 to 60%
  Excluded inappropriate personal measurements and measurements of other non-study related chemicals Stenzel, Groth, Banerjee et al., 2021 Decreased total number of measurements (160 000; 143 000 THC and BTEX-H) to 135 000 THC and BTEX-H measurements
  Developed methodology to predict exposures using Bayesian univariate and bivariate models from personal measurements Groth et al., 2017, 2018 Used Bayesian univariate model to develop THC exposure statistics; the bivariate model with THC to develop BTEX-H exposure statistics
  Estimated priors for Bayesian analyses Groth, Huynh et al., 2021 Used correlations between THC and BTEX-H personal measurements based on high-level exposure determinants for priors
  Developed personal exposure estimates For rig workers (Huynh et al., 2021a); other water workers (Huynh et al., 2021b); and land workers (Huynh et al, 2021c) For all EGs with N ≥ 5 and % censoring ≤80, developed AMs, GMs, GSDs, and 95%iles and their 95% CIs for a JEM for each of THC and BTEX-H
  Developed methods to estimate EGs with measurements that did not meet estimation criteria Stenzel, Groth, Banerjee et al., 2021, Stewart et al., this paper, SM 1) Relaxed rule of <80% censoring if number of measurements substantially exceeded 5 for AMs, GMs, GSDs, and 95%iles and their 95% CIs 2) Further relaxed rules when censoring and N criteria were not met3) Where N was <5, used the concept of sister ships, sister states and sister time periods
4)  Used order-based statistical method (probability Z-scores) if N ≥ 20 and censoring = 100% for AMs, GMs, and GSDs and 95%iles
5)  Used a substitution method if N ≥ 5 to <20 and censoring=100% for AMs, GMs, GSD, and 95%iles
Inserted into JEM
  Developed methods to estimate EGs with 0 to <5 measurements Stenzel, Groth, Banerjee et al., 2021 Used similar EGs (‘sister’ rigs, broad rig job groups, ‘sister’ states, ‘sister’ time periods) for AM, GM, GSD and 95%ile estimates. Inserted into JEM
  Reviewed >26 000 000 area VOC measurements and summarized Groth, Banerjee et al., 2021 Reduced number of measurements to ~22,000 VOCs hourly vessel estimates
  Developed THC full-shift equivalent estimates from VOCs hourly vessel estimates based on THC:VOCs relationship. Calculated THC means from original THC measurements and converted THC estimates by vessel-time period. Applied bivariate method to develop BTEX-H estimates Ramachandran et al., 2021 Increased the number of vessel-days available for estimation by 60% for ROV and response marine vessels
  Estimated emissions from information in literature; modeled air concentrations from emissions, AERMOD and other input parameters; estimated air concentrations by averaging air concentrations across broad areas of the Gulf and days Pratt et al., 2021 Quantitative PM2.5 air concentration estimates of AMS and GSDS for 18 areas across the Gulf of Mexico and 4 Gulf coastal states for TP1b for JEM
  Analyzed dispersant-related exposure situations. Applied AgDisp model with input parameters for aerosols from aerial and vessel spraying Arnold et al., 2021 Air concentration estimates of AMs, GMs, GSDs dispersant aerosol exposures. Analysis suggested low probability of exposure, generally low levels and low duration of exposure.
  Modeled vapor exposures using two-box and Plume models with Monte Carlo simulations for dispersant handling or being in an area with dispersants Stenzel, Arnold et al., 2021 Air concentration estimates of dispersant vapor exposures for AMs GSDs, and 95th percentiles, and their 90% confidence intervals for the JEM. Generally low levels.
 Oil mist
  Applied professional judgment by 2 industrial hygienists and achieved consensus for pressure washing or wave action sources This paper Ordinal estimates of oil mist exposure (scale 0–4) for JEM
 Dermal Exposures (THC, BTEX-H, PAHs, dispersants)
  Reviewed dermal estimation models and recent dermal exposure studies to modify previously published dermal assessment model Gorman Ng et al., 2021 Developed GuLF DREAM model
  Applied study participant responses and professional judgment by industrial hygienists as input parameters to model Stewart et al., 2021 Participant-specific quantitative estimates of dermal exposures

N, number; CI, credible interval; JEM, job-exposure matrix; SM, supplementary materials. TP1b, 15 May, 2010–15 July 2010.