(A) Confocal images of the major dendrite regeneration events in the wildtype, pde-4(0), egl-19(gf), let-7(0), lin-41(0), akt-1(0), psr-1(0), ced-7(0),ced-12(0), and ced-10(0) backgrounds. This experiment is conducted in a strain expressing the wdIs52 (pF49H12.4::GFP) reporter. The illustrations on the right indicating site of dendrotomy (red arrow), regenerated dendrites (green), distal dendritic part (grey), territory length (yellow dotted lines), reconnection events (green arrowheads) and menorah-menorah fusion (faded red boxes). (B-C) The quantification of the territory length (B) and the percentage of reconnection events (C) done from the dendrotomy experiments shown in A. For B & C, N = 3–4 independent replicates, n (number of regrowth events) = 8–19. Statistics, For B, One-way ANOVA with Tukey’s multiple comparison test considering p<0.05*, 0.01**, 0.001***, and for C, Fisher’s exact test considering p<0.05*, 0.01**, 0.001***. Error bars represent SD. ns, not significant.