Methods |
Study design: Crossover Randomised controlled trial Randomisation procedure: not stated
Allocation concealment: Unclear
Blinding of outcome assessors: Unclear
Length of intervention: 8 weeks
Intention‐to‐treat analysis: Yes |
Participants |
Diagnosis: Non‐insulin dependent diabetes mellitus
Setting: Out‐patients
Mean age: 52 +/‐ 8 yr
Male/female: 14 male, 2 female Other characteristics: non‐smokers, normo‐tensive. Medications: ACE inhibitors 5/16, lipid lowering therapy n=2, asprin n=2, oral hypoglycaemic drugs n=11 Baseline characteristics: Reported
Geographical location: Australia |
Interventions |
Intervention. Exercise
Times per week: 3.
Duration of each session: 1 hour. Intensity: circuit of progressive resistance training (65% of 1 maximum repetition by week 4) alternated with cycling up to 85% peak heart rate for 8 weeks |
Outcomes |
Glycated haemoglobin, triglycerides, VO2 peak, fasting blood glucose, total cholesterol, LDL‐cholesterol, HDL‐cholesterol, arterial blood pressure, resting heart rate |
Notes |
Good compliance, all completed 24 exercise sessions and the exercise regimen was well tolerated |
Risk of bias |
Bias |
Authors' judgement |
Support for judgement |
Allocation concealment? |
Unclear risk |
B ‐ Unclear |