Methods |
Study design: Randomised controlled trial
Randomisation procedure: not stated
Allocation concealment: Unclear
Blinding of outcome assessors: Unclear
Length of intervention: 10 weeks
Intention‐to‐treat analysis: Not done |
Participants |
Diagnosis: Non‐insulin dependent diabetes mellitus
n = 30
Setting: Community
Mean age: intervention 56 +/‐ 6 years, control 55 +/‐ 7 years
Male/female: 9 male, 21 female
Baseline characteristics: Reported
Geographical location: USA |
Interventions |
Intervention: Exercise
Times per week: 4
Duration of each session: 60 minutes.
Intensity: moderate aerobic exercise.
With standard diet.
Comparison group: Standard diet only |
Outcomes |
Glycated haemoglobin, weight, Body Mass Index, triglycerides, total cholesterol, HDL‐cholesterol, blood pressure, fasting insulin, fasting glucose |
Notes |
Different experimental groups to Wing 1988 (a) |
Risk of bias |
Bias |
Authors' judgement |
Support for judgement |
Allocation concealment? |
Unclear risk |
B ‐ Unclear |