Fig. 3. Distribution of the scalar projection for the ADNI2/GO, ADNI3 and BACS samples.
The distribution of the scalar projection for individuals from ADNI2/GO in the Clinically Stable (n = 100), Clinically Declining (n = 156) and Alzheimer’s clinical syndrome (n = 181) groups (APOE 4 positive: n = 116, APOE 4 negative n = 140), the red line is the median of the group, the solid black box represents the 25th to 75th percentile and the black horizontal lines represent the range of the data, red crosses are outliers from the distribution, non-overlapping notches indicate significantly different medians (p < 0.05). Blue dots indicate individuals from ADNI3/BACS who are cognitively normal (CN) at baseline. Red dots indicate individuals from ADNI3 who have Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) at baseline. The dashed vertical black line represents the probabilistic boundary used to classify Clinically Declining vs. Clinically Stable, all individuals to the right of the line are classified as Clinically Declining. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.