Fig. 3. Low expression of msrC is linked with collateral sensitivity.
a–b Transcription analysis of msrC in pleuromutilin-sensitive VREfm CAU369 (a) and pleuromutilin-resistant VREfm CAU378 (b). c Proteomics analysis of VREfm CAU378 treated with 1× and 10 × MIC lefamulin for 1 h. Proteins were identified as significantly different with fold changes of log2 [fold changes] values of at fold-increase or fold-decrease of expression levels. d Comparison of lefamulin binding sites within the MsrC-ribosome complex. The 50S (green) and 30S (gray) subunits (PDB 5AA0 []), and the A-site tRNA (purple) and P-site tRNA (blue) are shown. Binding of MsrC (red, homology of the template with PDB 5ZLU [], middle) blocks the binding of lefamulin (brick-red, PDB 5HL7 [], right) to PTC in the 50S subunit. Data were presented as means ± S.D. n.s., not significant, determined by non-parametric one-way ANOVA (n = 3).