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. 2022 Mar 25;14:848991. doi: 10.3389/fnagi.2022.848991


Summary of the demographic data, genetic, instrumental and laboratory findings of the sCJD patients who underwent OM collection.

Patient Sex (Male) PRNP
14.3.3 p-tau (pg/mL) t-tau (pg/mL) Mutation Positive MRI
EEG Age at onset (years) Disease duration at OM collection (months) Time to death at OM collection (months) Disease duration (months) OM
RT-QuIC results
CSF RT-QuIC results
1 + MM nd Weakly positive 22 4,261 Y Y Refractory status epilepticus 57 2.9 17.4 20.3 + +
2 - MM nd nd nd nd Y Y Triphasic 55 2.3 1.2 3.6 + nd
3 - MM 1 Positive nd 30,150 Y Y Triphasic 42 5.0 29.2 34.2 + nd
4 - MM nd Positive 59 1,126 E200K Y Y Slow waves 54 9.1 1.0 10.1 + nd
5 + MM nd Negative 27 292 Y Y No periodic 45 19.2 23.8 43.0 + nd
6 + MM nd Positive 118 1,698 Y Y Normal 65 7.8 27.9 35.7 + +
7 + MM 1 Positive 41 6,220 Y Y Triphasic 55 2.0 1.4 3.4 + nd
8 + MM nd Weakly positive nd 1,187 Y Y Triphasic 42 1.0 48.4 49.4 + +
9 - MM nd Weakly positive 39 879 Y Y Triphasic 78 7.0 5.8 12.8 + +
10 + MM nd Positive 42 7,934 Y Y Triphasic 70 1.8 0.3 2.0 + +
11 - MM 1 Positive 86 2,633 Y Y Triphasic 59 7.3 22.1 29.4 + +
12 - MM 1 Positive 46 >2,400 Y Y Triphasic 74 0.9 1.2 2.0 + +
13 + MM 1 Positive 25 >2,400 Y Y Triphasic 72 2.3 2.3 4.6 + +
14 + MM 1 Positive 31 >2,400 Y Y Triphasic 65 1.2 0.7 1.9 + +
15 - MV nd nd nd nd E200K N Y Slow waves 71 37.3 6.7 44.0 + nd
16 + MV 1 Negative 38 680 Y Y Triphasic 77 14.0 10.6 24.5 + +
17 - MV nd Weakly positive 53 3,057 Y Y Slow waves 65 12.9 10.3 23.2 + nd
18 + MV nd Weakly positive nd nd nd nd nd nd nd 5.9 nd + nd
19 + MV 1 Positive 65 1,788 Y Y No periodic 69 8.0 3.2 11.2 + +
20 - MV 2 nd 80 2,101 Y Y Slow waves 62 4.4 24.5 28.9 + +
21 + MV 2 Weakly positive 16.7 1,076 Y Y Slow waves 64 5.1 4.8 9.9 + +
22 - MV 2 Weakly positive 76 1,986 Y Y Slow waves 74 7.4 7.5 14.8 + +
23 + MV 2 Negative 55 1,905 Y Y Triphasic 79 8.2 4.2 12.4 + +
24 - VV nd Positive 92.8 18,470 Y Y No periodic 61 4.6 6.5 11.1 + nd
25 + VV 2 nd nd nd Y Y Normal 66 5.7 3.5 9.3 + nd
26 - VV 2 Positive 75 15,575 Y Y No periodic 55 8.5 0.6 9.1 + nd
27 - VV 2 Positive 81 15,750 Y Y Slow waves 57 3.3 1.2 4.5 + nd
28 - VV nd Positive nd 5,026 Y Y Triphasic 66 1.5 1.1 2.6 + nd
29 + VV 2 Positive 61 >2,400 Y N Slow waves 40 2.0 3.0 5.0 + +