A, Mothers with gestational diabetes (GD) vs those with no GD. B, Mothers with hyperglycemia only in late pregnancy vs those with normal glucose levels in all 3 trimesters. C, Mothers with hyperglycemia in all 3 trimesters vs those with normal glucose levels in all 3 trimesters. Fetal biometric measurements are brought into the model after log-transformed conversion. Measurements throughout the whole pregnancy indicate adjustment for sex, educational level, income, maternal age, prepregnancy body mass index category, maternal depression, anxiety, physical activity level, sleep quality, energy intake in late pregnancy, history of diabetes, gestational weight gain, parity, gestational weeks at delivery, father’s body mass index, and father’s smoking or drinking. The 3 pregnancy periods are additionally adjusted for measured gestational weeks and the square of the measured gestational weeks instead of gestational weeks at delivery.
aP < .01.
bP < .05.