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. 2022 Mar 14;18(6):2497–2514. doi: 10.7150/ijbs.70955

Table 1.

Ribosome dysfunction and various human diseases

Diseases Ribosome dysfunction Clinical manifestation Therapeutic regimen Year, authors, and references
Congenital diseases Diamond-Blackfan anemia Mutations in genes such as RPS19, RPS24, RPS17, RPL35A, RPL5, and RPL11 Macrocytic anemia, short stature, craniofacial defects, and thumb abnormalities. Corticosteroids; red cell transfusions; stem cell transplantation. 1978 Nathan DG
103, 104, 105
5q-syndrome Mutation of the RPS14 gene Macrocytic anemia, hypo lobulated micro megakaryocytes. Lenalidomide; translation enhancer; L-leucine. 1986 van den Berghe H
Schwachman-Diamond syndrome SBDS gene defect Pancreatic insufficiency and bone marrow dysfunction. Pancreatic enzymatic replacement; transfusions of packed red blood cells (PRBC) and platelet. 2003 Boocock GR
100, 102, 109
Dyskeratosis congenita DKC1 gene defect The triad of oral leukoplakia, nail dystrophy, and reticular hyperpigmentation. Surveillance for associated complications; stem cell transplantation. 1999 Mitchell JR
Cartilage hair hypoplasia RMRP gene defect Short limbed short stature, hypoplastic hair, defective immunity and erythrogenesis. Prevention of secondary complications. 2001 Ridanpää M
Treacher Collins syndrome TCOF1 POLR1D, or POLR1B gene defect Bilateral and symmetric down slanting palpebral fissures, malar hypoplasia, micrognathia, and external ear abnormalities. Tailored to the specific needs of each individual; craniofacial reconstruction. 2008 Jones NC
Congenital mental retardation NUFIP-1 Severe distraction, poor memory, and speech ability. None. 2007 Caselli R
Neurological diseases Stroke Disturbance of ribophagy and ERS Sudden weakness on one face, arm or leg, fainting, confusion, and severe headache. Thrombolytic therapy; surgery. 2014 Carloni S
Alzheimer's disease Decreases in protein contents and the damage of ribosome function Dementia, cognitive impairment, and dysfunction in global activities. Cholinesterase inhibitors; memantine; Ab-directed therapies; tau-directed therapeutics. 2005 Ding Q
Parkinson's disease 18SrRNA, 28SrRNA Movement problems such as rigidity, slowness, and tremor. Levodopa; dopamine agonists; and monoamine oxidase-B (MAO-B) inhibitors; deep brain stimulation; MRI-guided focused ultrasound. 1982 Mann DM
Huntington's disease Ltn1, Tae2, and heat shock transcription factor 1 (Hsf1) Involuntary choric movements, behavioral changes and cognitive impairment. HTT-targeted therapies; nonselective or allele-selective HTT silencing. 2016 Yang J
Motor neuron disease NEMF mutation Motor neurons degeneration, neurogenic muscle atrophy, and movement disorders. Respiratory support, nutritional support, symptomatic treatment, drug treatment. 2020 Martin PB
Jabi-Elahi syndrome GTPBP2 mutation Dystonia, motor and sensory neuropathy, ataxia, and cognitive impairment. Symptomatic treatment, drug treatment. 2018 Bertoli-Avella AM
Malignant tumors Acute myelogenous leukemia TP53 mutations, concomitant with some ribosomopathies Clonal expansion of abnormally differentiated blasts of myeloid lineage. Induction therapy; post remission therapy; consolidation chemotherapy with a cytarabine-based regimen. 2016 Orsolic I
Glioblastomas Mutations or deletion of RPL5 gene Headache, nausea and vomiting, epilepsy, and blurred vision. Incorporating surgery, radiotherapy, systemic therapy (chemotherapy, targeted therapy), and supportive care 2018 Pelletier J
Melanoma Mutations or deletion of RPL5 and RPL11 genes Damaged skin and pigmentation. Surgical excision and lymph node biopsy; adjuvant treatment. 2019 Sulima SO
Breast cancer Mutations or deletion of RPL5 and RPL11 genes Breast lumps, nipple discharge, and skin changes. Surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, systemic therapy. 2009 Belin S
Gastric, endometrial and colorectal cancer Mutations of the RPL22 gene; RPL23A gene amplification and RPSA gene mutation Digestive symptoms, and anemia. Surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, systemic therapy. 2019 Sulima SO
Uterine cancer RPL23A gene amplification and RPSA gene mutation Painless hematuria, frequent urination, urgency and other urinary symptoms. Surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, systemic therapy. 2019 Sulima SO
Metastatic neuroblastoma Mutations of NUFIP-1 Fever, general malaise, weight loss, bone pain, constipation or diarrhea. Surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy. 2018 Wei JS
Acute lymphoblastic leukemia Mutations of union gene ETV6-NUFIP1 Anemia, fever and infection, bleeding, and organ tissue infiltration. Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, induction therapy; post remission therapy; consolidation chemotherapy with a cytarabine-based regimen. 2019 Mata-Rocha M
Other diseases Lupus-like syndrome Ro protein An autoimmune syndrome characterized by anti-ribosomal antibodies, anti-chromatin antibodies, and glomerulonephritis. Promoting the expression of Ro protein, avoiding ultraviolet radiation, immunotherapy. 2003 Xue D
Cardiovascular disease R-IMPP selectively bind to human 80S ribosomes Palpitation, shortness of breath, chest tightness, chest pain, fatigue, and edema. Inhibiting the expression of convertase subtilisin/ kexin type 9 (PCSK9) protein 2016 Pellegrino S
Inflammatory bowel disease Decline of ribosome biogenesis eIF5A Abdominal pain, diarrhea, bloody stools, and weight loss. Targeted regulation of ribosome biogenesis eIF5A. 2016 Figueiredo VC
Hepatitis C Disorder of interaction between ribosomal proteins and 18SrRNA Nausea, decreased appetite, general weakness, and jaundice. Targeting the interaction between ribosomal proteins and 18SrRNA. 2018 Bastide A
Severe sepsis Nucleophosmin Organ dysfunction, circulatory failure, and shock. Acting as an alarmin to detect severe sepsis patients early. 2009 Nawa Y

Abbreviations: RPs: ribosomal proteins; ERS: endoplasmic reticulum stress; NUFIP-1: nuclear fragile X mental retardation-interacting protein 1; TP53: tumor protein 53.