Fig. 1.
OncoPrint of cell-of-origin (COO) classification, immunohistochemistry, and MYD88 status in 51 cases with primary cutaneous diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, leg type (PCDLBCL-LT) and 15 cases of primary cutaneous follicle center lymphoma with a diffuse population of large cells (PCFCL-LC). The Hans and Lymph2Cx algorithms were fully concordant in the PCFCL-LC cases (15/15; 100%) but were discordant in the majority (36/51; 71%) of the cases with PCDLBCL-LT. The majority of PCDLBCL-LT cases expressed BCL2 (94%), IgM (94%), and MUM1 (82%), while expression of BCL2 (7%), IgM (7%), and MUM1 (0%) was absent or only rarely present in PCFCL-LC. Mutations in MYD88 were detected in 36 of 47 (77%) of PCDLBCL-LT but in none of 11 (0%) PCFCL-LC cases. There was no statistically significant difference for the frequency of BCL2 or IgM expression and MYD88 mutations between the COO subgroups as defined by Hans or Lymph2Cx in PCDLBCL-LT. Remark: A probability score ≤ 0.1 indicated classification as GCB, 0.11 to 0.89 as unclassified, and ≥ 0.90 as ABC.[15]. Abbreviations: PCDLBCL-LT, primary cutaneous diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, leg type; PCFCL-LC, primary cutaneous follicle center lymphoma with a diffuse population of large cells; ABC, activated B-cell-like subtype; GCB, germinal center B-cell-like subtype; UI, unclassified/intermediate. *MYD88 non-L265P mutations consisted of S234N (n = 4), Y240S (n = 1), and M232T (n = 1)