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. 2022 Feb 25;3(2):zqac008. doi: 10.1093/function/zqac008

Table 2.

Effect of age on articular cartilage protein half-lives.

Protein name Number of peptides Fold-change (90 wk:25 wk) Mean difference (Inline graphic) 95% CI of difference (Inline graphic) P-value
ACAN 4 22.0 22.1 [-89.9, 134.1] 0.6665
ASPN* 2 0.54 -1.44 [-4.40, 1.52] 0.3245
BGN* 6 1.52 0.88 [-1.97, 3.72] 0.5079
DCN* 6 1.54 0.027 [0.012, 0.042] 0.0022#
FMOD* 3 1.93 7.15 [-98.3, 112.6] 0.8820
FN1 6 2.27 0.11 [0.050, 0177] 0.0026#
LUM* 4 1.34 0.029 [0.003, 0.054] 0.0325
OGN* 2 88.0 137 [-3942, 4216] 0.9411
PRELP 4 1.70 0.27 [-0.033, 0.58] 0.0749
PRG4 4 1.72 0.024 [0.018, 0.030] <0.0001#
COL1A1 2 45.0 135 [-1232, 1503] 0.8276
COL2A1 4
COL6A1 12
COL6A2 7 2 121 [-2142, 2384] 0.9105
COL6A3 15 1.57 6.00 [-40.2, 52.2] 0.7787
COL9A1 4
COL11A1 2
COL12A1 4
CHAD 4 46.0 277 [-1152, 1695] 0.6766
CHIL3 2 1.08 0.008 [-0.061, 0.078] 0.7965
CILP 3 1.69 0.091 [-0.129, 0.310] 0.3906
CLU 3 2.93 0.139 [0.077, 0.200] 0.0006#
COMP 2 2.33 0.117 [0.046, 0.187] 0.0045#
LMNA 7 1.12 0.008 [-0.012, 0.028] 0.3780
MATN3 4 1.56 0.114 [-0.031, 0.259] 0.1153
MFGE8 5 0.78 -0.055 [-0.490, 0.380] 0.7833
SPP1 3
THBS1 3 3.67 0.660 [-0.328, -1.65] 0.1650
VTN 3 2.84 0.436 [0.030, 0.842] 0.0379

Protein half-lives were calculated from the decay constant for each protein obtained from d2ome software. Mean difference was calculated as 90-wk minus 25-wk values. Comparison between groups was performed using paired t-test (two-tailed) with Welch's correction.


Small leucine-rich proteoglycans (SLRPs).


P<<0.05i > following Benjamini–Hochberg FDR correction for multiple comparisons. Proteins that did not incorporate deuterium within the 60-d labeling duration are indicated by a dash.