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. 2022 Feb 28;106(4):1240–1246. doi: 10.4269/ajtmh.21-0803

Table 2.

Accuracy of the different diagnostic tests compared against a composite reference standard in a group of 92 asymptomatic Eritrean refugees

Diagnostic test and location Outcome CRS*, n Diagnostic accuracy, % Cohen’s κ McNemar’s P value
Positive Negative Sensitivity Specificity κ value Interpretation† P value
LUMC, Leiden, the Netherlands
 CAA (urine) Positive 36 4 92 92 0.845 Almost perfect < 0.001 1.000
Negative 3 49
 CAA (serum) Positive 37 0 95 100 0.955 Almost perfect < 0.001 0.500
Negative 2 53
 PCR (stool)‡ Positive 22 1 56 98 0.576 Moderate < 0.001 < 0.001
Negative 17 52
 POC-CCA§ Positive 24 4 62 92 0.561 Moderate < 0.001 0.019
Negative 15 49
Swiss TPH, Basel, Switzerland
 Microscopy (stool)¶ Positive 22 0 56 100 0.599 Moderate < 0.001 < 0.001
Negative 17 53
 Serology Positive 31 8 79 85 0.644 Substantial < 0.001 1.000
Negative 8 45
 POC-CCA§ Positive 29 10 74 81 0.555 Moderate < 0.001 1.000
Negative 10 43

CAA = circulating anodic antigen; CRS = composite reference standard; LUMC = Leiden University Medical Center; PCR = polymerase chain reaction; POC-CCA = point-of-care circulating cathodic antigen; Swiss TPH = Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute.


The CRS was based on the detection of eggs in stool and/or CAA in urine/serum and/or DNA in stool. An individual was considered positive if either microscopy was positive or at least two of the other diagnostic tests were positive.

Interpretation of κ coefficient: ≤0, chance; 0.01 to 0.20, slight; 0.21 to 0.40, fair; 0.41 to 0.60, moderate; 0.61 to 0.80, substantial; 0.81 to 0.99, almost perfect.

All urine samples were negative by urine PCR.


The same POC-CCA batch was used at LUMC and Swiss TPH (no. 50182), but a different scoring approach was used; see Materials and Methods.

Data available from Swiss TPH.

All urine samples were negative by urine microscopy.