Potential factors in affecting the CGA level of tuber flesh in diploid potatoes. (A) Location was an important influencing factor for the CGA concentration of tuber flesh in diploid lines. Tubers of 93 diploid lines inducing S. stenotomum (29), S. goniocalyx (11), and S. phureja (53) were successfully gathered at Xundian and Dehong after the growing season in 2018. Varieties from each of the three Andean landrace groups are listed in a descending order based on its CGA level of tuber flesh gathered from Xundian. For the lines grown at Xundian, the distribution patterns of tuber CGA contents are different from those of the plants grown at Dehong, especially for the 11 species from S. goniocalyx group. Three lines with featured CGA level of tuber flesh in the two growing seasons were indicated in red. (B) Planting time had less effect in shaping the CGA level of tuber flesh in diploid lines, when compared to location. Tubers of 144 diploid potatoes inducing S. stenotomum (76), S. goniocalyx (25), and S. phureja (43) were collected after two growth seasons at Dehong (2018 and 2019). Varieties from each of the three Andean landrace groups are listed in a descending order based on its CGA level of tuber flesh gathered from the 2018 growing season. Data are presented as means ± SD (n = 3 biological replicates). (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)