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. 2012 Jul 11;2012(7):CD002991. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD002991.pub3

Loppow 2001.

Methods Design: cross‐over, 4 weeks washout
 Randomisation: yes, method not stated
 Blinding: double‐blind
 Withdrawals: stated
Participants Setting: single‐centre study, Germany, hospital outpatient clinic
 Number eligible: not stated
 Number enrolled: 19
 Number in treatment group: 19 (cross‐over)
 Number in control group: 19 (cross‐over)
 Number of withdrawals (treatment/control): 0/0
 Number completing trial (treatment/control): 19/19
 Age range: 31 to 77 years
 Sex: 12 M, 7 F
 Ethnicity: not stated
 COPD diagnosis: chronic bronchitis (ATS criteria, cough and sputum production), current or ex‐smokers > 20 pack‐years
 Severity of COPD: mean FEV1 83.4% predicted (2 patients had no airflow obstruction)
 Inclusion criteria: as for COPD diagnosis; 14 patients had bronchial hyper‐responsiveness (PC20 methacholine < 8 mg/mL)
 Exclusion criteria: use of inhaled or systemic corticosteroids in previous 3 months, respiratory tract infection in previous 4 weeks
 Baseline characteristics of treatment/control groups: cross‐over study
Interventions FP 1000 µg/day
Delivery device not stated
4 weeks each treatment period (cross‐over)
Outcomes FEV1
 Exhaled NO
 Induced sputum cell count
 Induced sputum fluid‐phase markers (LCH, ECP, elastase, IL‐8, iNOS)
Notes Chronic bronchitis patients included, not only COPD with airflow obstruction
14/19 patients had bronchial hyper‐responsiveness (PC20 MCh < 8 mg/mL) and 6/19 had positive skin prick test
Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Random sequence generation (selection bias) Unclear risk Quote: "randomised"
Allocation concealment (selection bias) Unclear risk Information not available
Blinding (performance bias and detection bias) 
 All outcomes Low risk Quote: "double blind"
Incomplete outcome data (attrition bias) 
 All outcomes Low risk No withdrawals
Selective reporting (reporting bias) Low risk All outcomes reported