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. 2021 Mar 18;3(1):85–99. doi: 10.1089/aut.2020.0054

Table 1.

Description of Identified Peer-Mentorship Programs

Program name (if named) Setting Participants Features Provision
AMI22 • Simon Fraser University
• British Columbia, Canada
• Undergraduates
• Diagnosis of “high functioning” autism confirmed by documentation
• Individual meetings with mentor
• Social group component
• Duration: full academic year
• Mentors: trained senior undergraduate or graduate students
• Supervision provided by clinical supervisor(s)
The AMP19,70 • York University
• Ontario, Canada
• Predominantly undergraduate students
• Self-disclosed diagnosis of autisma
• Individually tailored meetings (e.g., biweekly) with mentor
• Group events (e.g., workshops, social activities)
• Manualized
• Duration: full academic year
• Mentors: trained graduate students in clinical developmental psychology
• Supervision provided by clinical psychologist
Building Bridges,54 Project REACH • College of Staten Island (CSI), City University of New York
• New York, USA
• Targeted undergraduates
• Diagnostic criteria unspecified
• Individual structured meetings with mentors
• Group meetings with standardized curricula (i.e., advocacy, social skills)
• Informed by universal design approach (Scott et al., 2003; McGuire and Scott, 2006)75,76 and participatory action research (Macaulay et al., 1999)77
• Duration: two semesters
• Mentors: trained undergraduate or graduate students
• Supervision: provided by program coordinator
CSMP64 • Curtin University
• Perth, Western Australia
• Undergraduates
• Self-reported diagnosis of autism
• Pilot program
• Individually tailored meetings
• Social group component
• Duration: one semester
• Mentors: trained graduate students across several disciplines (e.g., psychology, speech pathology)
• Supervision provided by program coordinators (i.e., educational specialist, psychologist)
IFiT69 • California State University, Northridge
• Northridge, California
• Undergraduates
• ASD or Asperger's syndrome diagnosis
• Diagnostic criteria unspecified
• Pilot program
• Individual tailored sessions completed with peer mentor
• Common meeting hour encouraged (reserved fitness space, snack provided, socialization opportunity, educational presentation and discussion)
• Physical activity program to address inactivity
• Informed by Self-Determination Theory74
• Duration: 10 consecutive weeks
• Mentors: trained kinesiology students (educational level not specified)
• Supervision: unspecified
SPMP63,64 • Curtin University
• University of Western Australia
• Perth, Western Australia
• Targeted undergraduates
• Diagnosis of autism; identified with student disability services
• Informed by CSMP pilot project (described above)
• Individual meetings (tailored vs. structure unspecified)
• Social group component
• Manualized
• Duration: unspecified
• Provision: similar to CSMP
SCL68 • Undisclosed public university • Undergraduates
• Autism diagnosis
• Identified as either failing or in danger of scholastic breakdown
• Individual meetings with mentors
• Targeted focus on academic achievement and self-regulated learning
• Informed by Self-Regulation Empowerment Protocol75
• Duration: one semester
• Mentors: trained undergraduate and graduate students in communication sciences and disorders
• Supervision: provided by program researcher
No program name provided62 • Koegel Autism Center at the University of California
• California, USA
• Undergraduates
• Autism diagnosis confirmed by outside agency
• Intensive social planning intervention sessions led by clinician
• Social activities (e.g., organizational skills, social skills) supported by peer mentor
• Duration: 10 weeks
• Mentors: trained undergraduate students
• Clinicians: doctoral-level graduate students
• Supervision: provided by psychologist or speech-language pathologist
No program name provided65 • Undisclosed large university
• Southeastern USA
• Undergraduate and graduate students
• Diagnosis of autism supported by documentation
• Individual meetings with mentor
• Social activities
• Peer mentor used as incentive to promote attendance to social activities
• Randomized across phases (baseline [a], peer mentor [b], peer mentor + incentive program [b + c], peer mentor [b])
• Duration: 24 social activities in total
• Mentors: trained graduate students
• Supervision: unspecified

Autism encompasses both DSM-IV-TR and DSM-5 definitions.

AMI, Autism Mentorship Initiative; AMP, Autism Mentorship Program; ASD, Autism spectrum disorder; CSMP, Curtin Specialist Mentoring Program; DSM-IV-TR, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, Text Revision; DSM-5, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition; IFiT, Intro Fitness Together; SCL, Strategies for College Learning; SPMP, Specialist Peer Mentoring Program.