Table 3.
Participant Measure Scores and Score Cutoffs
Measure | Cutoffa | Mean (SD) | N Total | N (%) Above cutoff |
RAADS-R | 65 | 154.11 (32.39) | 687 | 677 (99) |
MDI (any subscale)b | 687 | 643 (94) | ||
Disengagement | 14 | 18.05 (4.13) | 587 (85) | |
Depersonalizationc | 9 | 12.67 (5.41) | 496 (72) | |
Derealizationc | 12 | 13.39 (5.31) | 408 (59) | |
Emotional constriction | 13 | 14.11 (5.84) | 413 (60) | |
Memory disturbancesc | 11 | 11.91 (5.13) | 362 (53) | |
Identity disturbancesc | 10 | 8.61 (5.49) | 176 (26) | |
Clinical subscales,c any | 570 (83) | |||
SDQ-20 | 35 | 32.60 (11.15) | 685 | 221 (32) |
PCL-5 (total score) | 33 | 34.23 (20.35) | 677 | 349 (52) |
PCL-5 (PTSD criteria) | 297 (44) |
Chosen cutoffs are discussed in more detail under Materials and Procedures.
MDI cutoffs are presented as raw scores; all MDI cutoff t-scores are 80 except for identity disturbances, which has a t-score cutoff of 95.
Corresponds to a psychoform dissociation diagnosis.
MDI, Multiscale Dissociation Inventory; PCL-5, PTSD Checklist for DSM-5; RAADS-R, Ritvo Autism Asperger Diagnostic Scale—Revised; SDQ-20, 20-item Somatoform Dissociation Questionnaire.