Fig. 6. Effect of drug panel on ROS on NPCs and neurons.
Efficacy of a panel of seven drugs—Coenzyme Q10 (Ubi), ALA, Toco, Cys, Rapa, Elam, and Ribo was evaluated by determining the ability of individual drugs to scavenge ROS in different iPSC derivatives: NPCs and neurons. (A) Clustered heatmap for dosage analyses of different drugs. Each set of column represents data for a specific drug dose and each row represents data from different cells (NPCs and neurons) from healthy control, LS, and ECHS1 patients. All values are represented as ratio of ROS scavenging with drug: baseline. Color representation: green is higher, and red is lower/no ROS scavenging. (B) Drug doses with significant ROS scavenging in NPCs (n = 3). (C) Drug doses with significant ROS scavenging in neurons (n = 3). The “n” is representative of the biological replicates and was analyzed by one-way ANOVA. The data are representative of three independent experiments. Data are represented as means ± SD. *P < 0.05 in comparison to control.