Figure 2.
Results of respecified SEM model. EA = early adolescence; TR = teacher report. Standardized coefficients are presented.
All within time covariances were included in the model, but are not shown for ease of presentation. Significant covariances included prenatal substance use with socioeconomic adversity (β = .227, p < .001), socioeconomic adversity with race (β = .287, p < .001), early childhood aggression with maternal violence exposure (β = .153, p = .035), non-biological care with child aggression (β = −.625, p < .001) and bullying with victimization (β = .416, p < .001). Significant results are denoted by solid lines and marginal results are denoted by dashed lines. Nonsignificant pathways are not included in the figure for ease of presentation, but these estimates are reported in Table 2.
** p < .01, *p < .05, + p < .10