CD146+ pericyte transplantation significantly increases Akt phosphorylation. TA muscles obtained 14 days after transplantation and remobilization were homogenized in lysis buffer and examined for measures of protein synthesis and degradation. Representative immunoblots (A). FOXO3aThr32:FOXO3a (B), atrogin-1 total protein (C); ubiquitinated proteins (D), and AktSer473:Akt (E). All results were normalized to Ponceau S. n = 3 or 4 male mice. All values expressed as means ± SE. Post hoc analyses were performed after significant one-way ANOVA was detected. *P < 0.05 vs. PBS, #P < 0.05 vs. CD146+NG2−. FOXO3a, forkhead box O3a; NG2, neural/glial antigen 2; TA, tibialis anterior.