Fig. 3.
Ly6ChiCD11bhi and Ly6ChiCD11blo cells give rise to OCs in vivo. a Sorted Ly6ChiCD11bhi or Ly6ChiCD11blo cells (106) from the BM of inflamed gfp donor mice were injected into the right tibia of inf. WT recipient mice 7 days after a single i.f. vaccination (left foot pad) or into that of sex/age-matched cont. mice. Recipient mice were sacrificed 7 days after transplantation. b TRAP staining (left panel) and GFP immunohistochemistry (right panel) of 7-µm consecutive sections from the right tibia of the recipient mice. Black frames are digitally enlarged, and locations positive for both TRAP and GFP are marked by yellow arrows. Scale bar, 400 µm