Fig. 5.
iOCPs and hOCPs are functionally distinct myeloid precursor populations. a Cell cycle staining of iOCPs (Ly6ChiCD11bhi) and hOCPs (Ly6ChiCD11blo) in the BM of control and inflamed mice. Lin-Ly6ChiCD11bloCD117+ cMoPs were used as a positive control, and iOCPs and hOCPs were identified from the CD117- gate. b The frequency of cells in the S/G2/M phase. n = 6 for each group, representative of two independent experiments. c Representative plots for the T-cell proliferation suppression assay at a 9:1 T cell:OCP ratio with iOCPs and hOCPs. d The proliferation indices at 3:1 and 9:1 T cell:OCP ratios are presented. n = 5 for each group, representative results for 2 independent experiments. e MHCII and CD40 expression of iOCPs and hOCPs sorted from the BM of control or inflamed mice after 3 days in culture with GM-CSF or M-CSF. f The fraction of MHCIIhiCD40hi differentiated cells in GM-CSF-containing cultures. g The frequency of MHCIIhiCD40hi differentiated cells in M-CSF-containing cultures. n = 6 for each group, representative results for 3 independent experiments. Line/circle: median, box: 25th-75th percentile, whiskers: range. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01 (Mann–Whitney test and Holm multiplicity correction)