Male, 12-week-old Bmal1+/+ and Bmal1−/− mice were fed a Western diet for 2 months. Plasma and tissues were collected at 12:00.
(A) Cholesterol and triglyceride concentrations were measured in total and non-HDL plasma. *** p<0.001, t-test. Each dot represents individual mouse.
(B) Isolated plasma lipoproteins were subjected to negative staining. Scale bar = 50 nm.
(C) Plasma (1 μL) was used to measure different apolipoproteins by Western blotting.
(D) Intestinal and hepatic mRNA levels of MTP and ApoAIV and the transcription factors that regulate their expression were compared. Values are mean ± SD, n=6. *** p<0.001, t-test.
(E) Intestinal and hepatic proteins were determined using specific antibodies.