Fig. 3.
SETMAR mRNA expression in brain during human embryogenesis. A Data from Kim et al [13], using “SETMAR” as query. Tissues in which the SETMAR proteins were searched are indicated (tested samples). The color code is given on the right. B SETMAR mRNA relative level in fetal brain. 18 areas or regions are reported according to the color code. The period of birth (270 days post-conception) is indicated. C Details from A, with calculated Spearman correlations for cerebellum (p=0.027, r=-0.75), midbrain (p=0.0048, r=-0.72), hindbrain (p=0.0049, r=-0.74) and spinal cord (p=0.0003, r=-0.8). The period of birth (270 days post-conception) is indicated