daily stock return volatility for country i at time t. Measured as the unconditional variance of the GJR-GARCH (1,1) model. |
CC |
confirmed cases rate measured as the number of confirmed cases for country i at time t divided by the cumulative number of confirmed for country i at time t. |
DR |
death rate measured as the number of deaths for country i at time t divided by the cumulative number of confirmed cases for country i at time t.
RR |
recovery rate number of recoveries for country i at time t divided by the cumulative number of confirmed cases for country i at time t. |
change in the overall government Stringency Response Index for country i between time t and time t-1. |
SI1 |
level of restrictions on school closures for country i at time t. |
SI2 |
level of restrictions on workplaces closures for country i at time t. |
SI3 |
level of restrictions on public events for country i at time t. |
SI4 |
level of restrictions on cut-off size of public gathering for country i at time t. |
SI5 |
level of restriction on public transport closures for country i at time t. |
SI6 |
level of restrictions on "stay-at-home" requirements for country i at time t. |
SI7 |
level of restriction on internal travel between regions/cities for country i at time t. |
SI8 |
level of restrictions on international travel for country i at time t. |
SI9 |
level of public information campaigns for country i at time t. |
Ln(MV) |
the natural logarithm of the total market capitalization in USD for country i at time t. |
Ln(PE) |
the natural logarithm of the market-wide Price to Earnings ratio for country i at time t. |
DY |
the market-wide Dividend yield for country i at time t. |
ER |
The daily percentage change in the exchange rate for country i at time t. |
PfizerAnn |
is a dummy variable that takes 1 on the day Pfizer-BioNTech announced the development of a COVID-19 vaccination which is 90 per cent effective in stopping the virus and 0 otherwise. |
PfizerVAC |
is a dummy variable that takes 1 on the day Pfizer-BioNTech administered the first COVID-19 vaccine and 0 otherwise. |
USelec |
is a dummy variable that takes 1 on the United States 2020 election day and 0 otherwise. |
ShortSban |
is a dummy variable that takes 1 on the day(s) short-selling transactions were banned in country i and 0 otherwise. |