a, Cryo-EM density map of the MBP:Hsp90:p23 complex. Far right image shows the density map lowpass-filtered to 8Å. Hsp90A (dark blue), Hsp90B (light blue), p23 (green), MBP (orange). This color scheme is maintained throughout b, Apo MBP crystal structure (PDB ID 1OMP) and atomic model of Hsp90 and p23 from the GR-maturation complex docked into the MBP:Hsp90:p23 map density. Note the missing density for the two MBP C-terminal helices. Far right image shows the density map lowpass-filtered to 8Å. c, Maltose-bound MBP crystal structure (PDB ID 1ANF) docked into the MBP:Hsp90:p23 map density. MBP (orange), maltose (pink). d, Top view of the MBP:Hsp90:p23 complex density map with clipping plane to show unidentified density (gray) through the Hsp90 lumen. e, Cartoon representation of the MBP:Hsp90:p23 complex illustrating the GR LBD is not present in the map density (represented by a gray box).