Figure 2.
(A) Phylogenetic relationship between Escherichia coli 779 and 86 ST101 E. coli strains currently deposited in the NCBI GenBank database. The lines that link the circles represent the clonal connection between the various strains. The distance between core genome multilocus sequence typing (cgMLST) loci is represented by the branch length. In square brackets is the number of isolates retrieved from each country. (B) The genetic environment of the blaNDM-5 gene on the plasmid p779-5-NDM. The red arrow represents the colistin resistance gene blaNDM-5, whereas the Orange arrows represent additional coding sequences (CDSs). (C) The genetic context of the mcr-1.33 gene on plasmid p779-1-mcr. The red arrow represents the colistin resistance gene mcr-1.33, while the Orange arrows represent additional coding sequences (CDSs).