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. 2022 Apr 10;103(7):1448–1465.e6. doi: 10.1016/j.apmr.2022.03.011

Table 1.

Characteristics of the included studies

Author Country; Lockdown Policy Study Sample Characteristics; % Male; Age (y) Study Population Definitions of PA or Exercises PA-Related Variables Outcome Measurement Tools (Validation) Statistical Test
Cross-sectional studies
 Ammar et al6 Multiple countries; lockdown N=1047; 46% men;
Age: 18-35 y: 55.1%
36-55 y: 35.1%
>55 y: 9.8%
Healthy adults PA as defined by IPAQ* IPAQ score IPAQ-Short Form (validated) Paired t test
 Arturo et al7 Mexico; lockdown N=37; 59% men;
Age: 27.8 y±6.1
Healthy adults (Teachers) PA as defined by IPAQ* PA in MET-min/wk
Change in PA levels in participants
IPAQ (validated) Student t test
Descriptive statistics
 Blom et al55 Sweden; no lockdown N=5599; 50% men;
Age: 46.3 y±11.0
Healthy adults Daily activity and exercise Proportion of participants reported change in PA levels
Proportion of participants reported change in exercise
Proportion of participants reported change in sedentary time
Customized questionnaire
Descriptive statistics
 Chague et al9 France; lockdown N=124; 60.5% men;
Age: 71.0 y±14.0
Patients with congestive heart failure Not defined
Proportion of participants reported change in PA levels
Proportion of participants reported change in sedentary time
Customized questionnaire
Descriptive statistics
 Cooper et al10 United States; lockdown N=1607; 43% men;
Age: 38.0 y±12.9
Healthy adults Overall PA, walking for at least 30 min/d, PA as defined by IPAQ* Proportion of participants reported change in PA levels
Proportion of participants reported change in sedentary time
IPAQ-Short Form (validated) Descriptive statistics
 Deng et al11 Wuhan, China; lockdown N=1607; 64.8% men;
Age: <18 y: 1.2%
18-22 y: 97.9%
>22 y: 0.9%
Healthy students (university and college) Regular exercise as defined as ≥3 times/wk and ≥60 min each time Proportion of participants reported change in PA levels
Proportion of participants reported change in exercise habit
Customized questionnaire
Descriptive statistics
 Di Renzo et al12 Italy; lockdown N=3533; 23.9% men;
Age: 40.0 y±13.5
Healthy adults (internet users) Sports training eg, walking; gym/run/swimming/soccer/volleyball/basketball/CrossFit/dance/yoga/aerobic fitness/martial arts/tennis/aerial gymnastics Proportion of participants reported change in exercise habit Customized questionnaire
Descriptive statistics
 Đogaš et al14 Croatia; lockdown N=3027; 20.3% men;
Median age: 40 y
Healthy adults Not defined Duration of PA Customized questionnaire
Paired t test
 Duncan et al15 United States; lockdown N=3971; 30.8% men;
Age: 50.4 y±16.0
Healthy adults (identical and same-sex fraternal twins) Not defined Proportion of participants reported change in PA levels
Customized questionnaire
Descriptive statistics
 Galle et al17 Italy; lockdown N=2125; 37.2% men;
Age: 22.5 y±0.1
Undergraduate students Not defined Proportion of participants reported change in PA levels Customized questionnaire
Descriptive statistics
 Hu et al18 China; lockdown N=1033; 51.7% men;
Age: 18-30 y: 61.7%
31-40 y: 27.2%
>41 y: 11.1%
Healthy adults Exercise (such as running and dancing)
Proportions of participants reported change in exercise habit
Proportion of participants reported change in sedentary time
IPAQ (validated) Descriptive statistics
 Lehtisalo et al21 Finland; lockdown N=613; 51.2% men;
Age: 67.9 y±4.6
Older adults Leisure time physical activity, housework or cleaning, gardening Proportion of participants reported change in PA levels Customized questionnaire
Descriptive statistics
 Lesser et al22 Canada; lockdown N=1098; 19.6% men;
Age: 42.0 y±15.0
Healthy adults Walking/jogging/running/biking/cycling/weight training/online video/classes/yoga/home workout/hiking/home/yard work/other Proportion of participants reported change in PA levels Behavioral regulations in exercise (validated)
Godin Leisure Questionnaire (validated)
Descriptive statistics
 Minsky et al23 Israel; lockdown N=279; 30.8% men;
Age: 53.0 y±13.0
Adults with obesity Not defined Proportion of participants reported change in PA levels Customized questionnaire
Descriptive statistics
 Orlandi et al24 Italy; lockdown N=2218; 34.3% men;
Age: 38.2 y±14.9
Healthy adults PA as defined by IPAQ* PA in MET-min/wk (converted from PA in MET-h/wk) IPAQ (validated) Paired t test
 Paltrinieri et al25 Italy; lockdown N=2816; 23.2% men;
Age: 18-44 y: 44.8%
45-64 y: 44.0%
>65 y: 10.6%
Healthy adults Not defined Proportion of participants reported change in PA levels Customized questionnaire
Descriptive statistics
 Persiani et al27 Italy; lockdown N=292; 49% men;
Age: <35 y: 10.3%
35-50 y: 23%
50-70 y: 57.2%
>70 y: 9.6%
Patients with musculoskeletal pain Not defined Change in PA levels in participants
Proportion of participants reported change in sedentary time
Customized questionnaire
Descriptive statistics
 Rodríguez-Nogueira et al28 Spain; lockdown N=472; 40% men;
Age: 46.4 y±11.2
Healthy adults Aerobics, strength exercise, and others Change in PA levels in participants Standardized Nordic Questionnaire (validated) Descriptive statistics
 Ruíz-Roso et al30 Italy; lockdown N=726; 39.8% men;
Age: 10-15 y: 45.7%
16-19 y: 54.3%
Adolescents Active: PA ≥300 min/wk Change in PA levels in participants IPAQ (validated) Descriptive statistics
 Sonza et al31 Brazil and Europe; lockdown N=3194; 32.9% men;
Age: 38.4 y±13.6
Healthy adults Aerobics, resistance and strength exercise Change in PA levels in participants
Proportion of participants reported change in sedentary time
Physical exercise level before and during social isolation questionnaire (validated) Descriptive statistics
 Stanton et al32 Australia; lockdown N=1491; 32.6% men;
Age: 50.5 y±14.9
Healthy adults PA as defined by Active Australia Survey Duration of PA
Proportion of participants reported change in PA levels
Active Australian Survey (validated) Descriptive statistics
Wilcoxon signed-rank test
 Yamada et al37 Japan; lockdown N=1600; 50% men;
Age: 74.0 y±5.6
Older adults PA as defined by IPAQ* Duration of PA IPAQ-Short Form (validated) Wilcoxon signed-rank test
 Zhu et al38 China; lockdown N=889; 39% men;
Age: 31.9 y±11.4
Healthy adults Step counts Step counts
Duration of sedentary time
Customized questionnaire
Paired t test
Retrospective studies
 Al Fagih et al5 Saudi Arabia; lockdown N=82; 64.6% men;
Median age: 65 y
Patients with heart failure Defined by algorithms of a cardiac implantable electronic device Duration of PA Cardiac implantable electronic devices Wilcoxon signed-rank test
 Barrea et al8 Italy; lockdown N=121; 33.5% men;
Age: 44.9 y±13.3
Healthy adults ≥30 min/d of aerobic exercise Change in exercise habit in participants Dichotomous questions (unvalidated) χ2 test
 Di Sebastiano et al13 Canada; lockdown N=2338; 9.8% men;
Age: 18-65 y: 92%
>65 y: 8%
Healthy adults MVPA: defined by a device specific definition, or ≥100 steps/min
Light PA: <100 steps/min
Duration of light PA
Duration of MVPA
Step counts
Wearable devices or smartphone inbuilt accelerometer 1-way repeated-measures ANOVA
 Dunton et al16 United States; lockdown N=211; 47.4% men;
Age: 8.7 y±2.6
Healthy children 11 types of school-based PA enlisted in Active Where survey Proportion of participants reported change in sedentary time Active Where survey (validated) Descriptive statistics
 Jia et al19 China; lockdown N=10,082; 28.3% men;
Age: 19.8 y±2.3
High school, college, and graduate students PA as defined by IPAQ* Duration of MVPA
Duration of sedentary time
IPAQ (validated) Paired t test
 Keel et al20 United States; lockdown N=90; 12.2% men;
Age: 19.45 y±1.3
Undergraduate students Not defined Proportion of participants reported change in PA levels Customized questionnaire
Descriptive statistics
 Pépin et al26 Multiple countries; lockdown N=742,200; 62% men;
Mean age: 43.4 y
Healthy adults Step counts Step counts Wearable pedometer Wilcoxon signed-rank test
 Rowlands et al29 United Kingdom; lockdown N=165; 55% men;
Age: 64.2 y±8.3
Patients with T2D Defined by accelerometer Duration of MVPA
Step counts (converted from acceleration in milligravitation units)
Frequency of continuous PA
Duration of sedentary time
Wearable accelerometer Paired t test
 Van Bakel et al33 Netherlands; lockdown N=1565; 73.1% men;
Age: ≤65 y: 756
>65 y: 677
Patients with cardiovascular disease MVPA determined by work, transportation, household, and leisure time Duration of MVPA
Duration of sedentary time
Short Questionnaire to Assess Health-enhancing Physical Activity (validated) Mann-Whitney U test
 Vetrovsky et al34 Czech Republic; lockdown N=26; 69.2% men;
Age: 58.8 y±9.8
Patients with heart failure Step counts Step counts Wearable accelerometer Paired t test
 Wang et al35 China; lockdown N=3544; 65.4% men;
Age: 51.6 y±8.9
Healthy adults Step counts Step counts Smartphone inbuilt accelerometer Generalized Estimating Equation
 Weaver et al36 United States; lockdown n=362; 47.8% men;
Age: 46.5 y±16.0
Healthy adults PA as defined by IPAQ* PA in MET-min/wk
Duration of sedentary time
IPAQ-Short Form (validated) Paired t test
 Zorcec et al39 Macedonia; lockdown N=72; 12.5% men;
Age: 7.3 y±2.9
Children with chronic respiratory diseases Not defined Change in PA levels in participants Customized questionnaire
Descriptive statistics

Abbreviation: ANOVA, analysis of variance.

Definition of PA according to IPAQ: refer to appendix 3.

Definition of PA according to Active Australian Survey: refer to appendix 4.

Interpretation of acceleration in milligravitation units: refer to appendix 5.