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. 2022 Apr 10;103(7):1448–1465.e6. doi: 10.1016/j.apmr.2022.03.011

Table 2.

Summary of results on PA-related variables in people without chronic diseases

Author Study Sample Size Study Population Definition of PA-Related Outcomes Statistical Test Results Level of Significance Effect Size Level of Evidence
Countries with lockdown measures
Step counts (per d or per wk) (N=4)
 Di Sebastiano et al13 N=2338 Healthy adults Step count/wk as measured by wearable devices or a smartphone inbuilt accelerometer 1-way repeated-measures ANOVA Decreased from 48,625±745 steps/wk to 43,395±705 steps/wk (by 10.8%) P<.001 Large Moderate
 Pépin et al26 N=742,200 Healthy adults Step count/d as measured by a pedometer Wilcoxon signed-rank test Decreased from 5326±479 steps/d to 4752±925 steps/d (by 10.8%) P<.001
 Wang et al35 N=3544 Healthy adults Step count/d as measured by a smartphone in-built accelerometer Generalized Estimating Equation Decreased from 8097±4793 steps/d to 5440±4571 steps/d (by 32.8%) Not reported
 Zhu et al38 N=889 Healthy adults Step count/day as measured by an unvalidated self-developed questionnaire Paired t test Decreased from 6247±4374 steps/d to 2714±3542 steps/d (by 56.6%) P<.001
Duration of light PA (N=1)
 Di Sebastiano et al13 N=2338 Healthy adults Light PA as measured by an accelerometer: <100 steps/min 1-way repeated-measures ANOVA Decreased from 1000.5±17.0 min/wk to 874.1±15.6 min/wk (by 12.6%) p<0.001 Very limited
Duration of MVPA (N=2)
 Di Sebastiano et al13 N=2338 Healthy adults MVPA: defined by heart rate ≥60% heart rate maximum by a built-in monitor, or ≥100 steps/min measure by an accelerometer 1-way repeated-measures ANOVA Decreased from 194.2±5.2 min/wk to 176.7±5 min/wk (by 9.3%) P<.001 Very limited
 Jia et al19 N=10,082 High schools, colleges, and graduate schools students PA as defined by IPAQ* Paired t test From 0.7±2.0 d/wk to 0.7±2.0 d/wk P<.05
Duration of PA (N=3)
 Đogaš et al14 N=3027 Healthy adults Not defined Paired t test Decreased from 162.1 min/wk to 132.9 min/wk (by 18%) P<.001 Small Very limited
 Stanton et al32 N=1491 Healthy adults PA as defined by Active Australian Survey Wilcoxon signed-rank test Decreased to 312.5±363.5 min/wk Not reported
 Yamada et al37 N=1600 Healthy adults PA as defined by IPAQ* Wilcoxon signed-rank test Decreased from 245 min/wk to 180 min/wk (by 27%) P<.001
Proportion of participants reporting changes in PA levels (N=8)
 Cooper et al10 N=1607 Healthy adults PA as defined by IPAQ* Descriptive statistics Overall PA:
n=413 reported decrease (25.7%)
n=404 reported no change (25.1%)
n=790 reported increase (49.1%)
Low PA level:
n=565 reported decrease (35.2%)
n=574 reported no change (35.7%)
n=468 reported increase (29.2%)
Moderate PA level:
n=519 reported decrease (32.3%)
n=806 reported no change (50.2%)
n=282 reported increase (17.6%)
High PA level:
n=566 reported decrease (35.2%)
n=736 reported no change (45.8%)
n=306 reported increase (19.0%)
NA Conflicting
 Duncan et al15 N=3971 Healthy adults (identical and same-sex fraternal twins) Not defined Descriptive statistics n=1048 reported decrease (26.4%)
n=1183 reported no change (29.8%)
n=1740 reported increase (43.8%)
 Galle et al17 N=2125 Undergraduate students Not defined Descriptive statistics n=453 reported decrease (21.3%)
n=640 reported no change (30.1%)
n=1032 reported in increase (48.6%)
 Keel et al20 N=90 Undergraduate students Not defined Descriptive statistics n=54 reported decrease (61.5%)
n=12 reported no change (13.6%)
n=22 reported increase (24.9%)
 Lehtisalo et al21 N=2816 Healthy adults Leisure time physical activity, housework or cleaning, and gardening as measured by an unvalidated self-reported questionnaire Descriptive statistics n=91 reported decreased (34%)
n=287 reported no change (50%)
n=193 reported increased (16%)
 Lesser et al22 N=1098 Healthy adults Walking/jogging/running/biking/cycling/weight training/online video/classes/yoga/home workout/hiking/home/yard work/other as measured by the Behavioral Regulations in Exercise Questionnaire and Godin Leisure-Time Questionnaire Descriptive statistics n=372 reported decrease (33.9%)
n=334 reported no change (30.4%)
n=392 reported increase (35.7%)
 Paltrinieri et al25 N=2816 Healthy adults Not defined Descriptive statistics n=641 reported decrease (35.1%)
n=972 reported no change (53.2%)
n=97 reported increase (5.3%)
n=116 were missing data (6.4%)
 Stanton et al32 N=1491 Healthy adults PA as defined by Active Australian Survey Descriptive statistics n=308 reported decrease (20.7%)
n=454 reported no change (30.5%)
n=729 reported increase (48.9%)
Changes in number of participants involving in different PA categories (N=3)
 Rodríguez-Nogueira et al28 N=472 Healthy adults Aerobics, strengthening exercise, others, and no exercise, as well as the frequency of doing exercise as measured by an unvalidated self-developed questionnaire
Occasionally carry out PA: some d/mo
Frequently carry out PA: 7 d/wk
Descriptive statistics Never carry out PA: increased from n=86 to n=113 (by 31%)
Occasionally carry out PA: decreased from n=272 to n=213 (by 21.7%)
Frequently carry out PA: increased from n=114 to n=146 (by 28.3%)
NA Very limited
 Ruíz-Roso et al30 N=726 Adolescents Active: PA ≥300 min/wk as measured by IPAQ Descriptive statistics Active population: decreased from n=206 to n=135 (by 34.5%)
Inactive population: increased from n=86 to n=157 (by 82.5%)
 Sonza et al31 N=3194 Healthy adults Aerobics, resistance, and strength exercise as measured by the Physical Exercise Level Before and During Social Isolation Questionnaire
Level of activity reported by participants
Descriptive statistics “A bit active” population: increased from n=866 to n=1086 (from 27.1% to 34%)
Active population: decreased from n=1412 to n=1044 (from 44.2% to 32.7%)
Very active population: decreased from n=527 to n=265 (from 16.5% to 8.3%)
MET-min/wk (N=3)
 Arturo et al7 N=37 Healthy adults PA as defined by IPAQ* Student t test Decreased from 1826 MET-min/wk to 552 MET-min/wk (by 69.8%)
Low PA: increased 18.2% in MET-min/wk
Moderate PA: increased 10.1% in MET-min/wk
High PA: decreased 22.3% in MET-min/wk
P=.005 Small Very limited
 Orlandi et al24 N=2218 Healthy adults PA as defined by IPAQ* Paired t test Decreased from 2269.2 MET-min/wk to 1728 MET-min/wk (by 23.8%) P=.001
 Weaver et al36 N=362 Healthy adults PA as defined by IPAQ* Paired t test Decreased from 2205±3342.7 MET-min/wk to 1616±2176.6 MET-min/wk (by 26.7%) P<.001
IPAQ scores (N=1)
 Ammar et al6 N=1047 Healthy adults PA as defined by IPAQ* Paired t test Decreased from 5.04±2.51 to 3.83±2.84 (by 24%) P<.001 Very limited
Proportion of participants reported changes in exercise duration (N=2)
 Deng et al11 N=1607 Healthy adults Time spent on exercise during COVID-19 (including web-based physical education) as measured by an unvalidated self-developed questionnaire Descriptive statistics n=826 reported less time (51.4%)
n=460 reported the same (28.6%)
n=321 reported more (20.0%)
NA Limited
 Hu et al18 N=1033 Healthy adults Exercise as defined by IPAQ (eg, dancing and running) at 4 mo before COVID-19 and 4 mo after COVID-19 as measured by an unvalidated self-developed questionnaire Descriptive statistics n=195 reported decrease (18.9%)
n=654 reported no change (63.3%)
n=184 reported increase (17.8%)
Proportion of participants reported doing regular exercise (N=2)
 Barrea et al8 N=121 Healthy adults ≥30 min/d of aerobic exercise χ2 test Decreased from n=62 (51.2%) to n=39 (32.2%) P=.004 Conflicting
 Di Renzo et al12 N=3533 Healthy adults At least once/wk of training (eg, walking/gym/run/swimming/soccer/volleyball/basketball/Cross Fit/dance/yoga/aerobic fitness/martial arts/tennis/aerial gymnastics) Descriptive statistics Reported training: increased from n=2173 to n=2198 (by 1.2%)
Reported no training: decreased from n=1360 to n=1335 (by 1.8%)
Duration of sedentary time (N=3)
 Jia et al19 N=10,082 High school, college, and graduate school students Screen time as measured by IPAQ Paired t test Increased from 4.9±1.9 h/d to 5.6±2.2 h/d (by 14.3%) P<.001 Small Very limited
 Weaver et al36 N=362 Healthy adults Sitting time as measured by IPAQ-Short Form Paired t test Increased from 460.9±281.6 min/d to 494.5±211.5 min/d (by 7.4%) P<.001
 Zhu et al38 N=889 Healthy adults Sedentary time as measured by an unvalidated self-developed questionnaire Paired t test Increased from 5.3±2.7 h/d to 6.6±3.1 h/d (by 24.5%) P<.001
Proportion of participants reported changes in sedentary time (N=4)
 Cooper et al10 N=1,607 Healthy adults Screen and sitting time as measured by IPAQ-Short Form Descriptive statistics Screen time:
n=79 reported decrease (4.9%)
n=662 reported no change (41.2%)
n=866 reported increase (53.9%)
Sitting time:
n=91 reported decrease (5.7%)
n=577 reported no change (35.9%)
n=939 reported increase (58.5%)
NA Limited
 Dunton et al16 N=211 Healthy children Sitting time as measured by the Active Where questionnaire Descriptive statistics n=8 reported decrease (4%)
n=87 reported increase (41%)
n=116 no results available (55%)
 Hu et al18 N=1033 Healthy adults Screen time as measured by IPAQ Descriptive statistics n=80 reported decrease (7.8%)
n=247 reported no change (23.9%)
n=706 reported increased (68.3%)
 Sonza et al31 N=3194 Healthy adults Sedentary behavior as measured by the Physical Exercise Level Before and During Social Isolation Questionnaire Descriptive statistics Sedentary population increased from n=390 (12.2%) to n=799 (25.0%) NA
Countries without lockdown measures
Proportion of participants reported changes in PA (N=1)
 Blom et al55 N=5599 Healthy adults Daily activity as measured by an unvalidated self-developed questionnaire Descriptive statistics n=1456 reported decrease (26.0%)
n=3527 reported no change (63.0%)
n=616 reported increase (11.0%)
NA Very limited
Proportion of participants reported changes in exercise duration (N=1)
 Blom et al55 n=5599 Healthy adults Time spent on exercise during COVID-19 as measured by an unvalidated self-developed questionnaire Descriptive statistics n=1567 reported decrease (28%)
n=3303 reported no change (59%)
n=728 reported increase (13%)
NA Very limited
Proportion of participants reported changes in sedentary time (N=1)
 Blom et al55 N=5599 Healthy adults Sitting time as measured by an unvalidated self-developed questionnaire Descriptive statistics
n=448 reported decrease (8%)
n=3695 reported no change (66%)
n=1456 reported increase (26%)
NA Very limited

Abbreviations: ANOVA, analysis of variables; NA. not applicable.

Definition of PA according to IPAQ: refer to appendix 3.

Definition of PA according to Active Australian Survey: refer to appendix 4.