Androgen-regulating genes, maternal menarche age |
Geographic genetics |
(18-22) |
Race and ethnicity
Birth weight and childhood obesity |
- |
(23-25) |
Intrauterine and childhood factors
- |
Being firstborn child, maternal age, maternal exposure to gestational hypertension and pre-pregnancy diabetes, smoking exposure |
(26-30) |
Social factors
Anthropometric factors |
Birth in urban areas, family size, insufficient income, education |
(31-33) |
Geographical factors
Menarche age |
Temperature, humidity, altitude latitude, annual ultraviolet (UV) radiation, exposure to particles with a diameter of 10 microns, climate change, and pollution |
(34-36) |
Anthropometric factors |
Diet, physical activity, sleep, stress |
(37-41) |
Diseases and medication
Hormonal and metabolic disorders |
- |
(42-44) |