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. 2021 Nov 16;35(3):901–910. doi: 10.1007/s40620-021-01149-0

Table 1.

Prevalence of CVD risk factors and effective risk factor interventions characteristics in patients with CKD by hypertensive status

Variables CKD and HT CKD without acknowledged hypertension p-value
N (Col %) N (Col %)
CKD stage ≥ 3 4131 (16.5) 2657 (1.1) **
 Female 2388 (57.8) 1556 (58.6) P > 0.05
 Male 1743 (42.2) 1101 (41.4)
Age (years)
 < 50 346 (8.4) 720 (27.1) **
 50–59 568 (13.8) 642 (24.2)
 60–69 620 (15.0) 480 (18.1)
 70–79 1,127 (27.3) 406 (15.3)
 80–89 1,149 (27.8) 322 (12.1)
 > 90 321 (7.8) 87 (3.3)
BMI (kg/m2)
 Normal or below normal (below 25 kg/m2) 1027 (24.9) 778 (31.9) **
 Overweight (25.0–29.9 kg/m2) 1,452 (35.2) 796 (30.0)
 Obesity grade I (30.0–34.9 kg/m2) 858 (20.8) 412 (15.5)
 Obesity grade II (35.0–39.9 kg/m2) 333 (8.1) 147 (5.5)
 Obesity grade III (≥ 40 kg/m2) 149 (3.6) 57 (2.1)
 Missing value 312 (7.6) 399 (15.0)
Index of Multiple Deprivation 2015 (IMD) Quintile (% coded)
 1 (least deprived) 962 (23.3) 623 (23.5) P > 0.05
 2 915 (22.2) 528 (19.1)
 3 697 (16.9) 463 (17.4)
 4 767 (18.6) 524 (19.7)
 5 788 (19.1) 515 (19.4)
 Missing 2 (0.05) 4 (0.15)
 European 1,878 (45.5) 1,141 (42.9) **
 Black African 662 (16.0) 421 (15.8)
 Black Caribbean 879 (21.3) 522 (19.7)
 South Asian 174 (4.2) 109 (4.1)
 Chinese 29 (0.7) 9 (0.3)
 Other ethnicity 66 (1.6) 58 (2.2)
 Non-stated 94 (2.3) 69 (2.6)
 Missing 349 (8.5) 328 (12.3)
History of comorbidities
 Previous stroke 342 (8.2) 61 (2.3) **
 Cancer 37 (0.9) 31 (1.2) P > 0.05
 Coronary Heart Disease, CHD 602 (14.6) 193 (7.3) **
 Serious mental illness, SMI 164 (4.0) 142 (5.3) *
 Heart failure 345 (8.3) 100 (3.7) **
 Mean SBP < 140 mmHg 1,522 (60.2) 472 (77.0) **
 Mean DBP < 90 mmHg 2,278 (90.1) 576 (94.0) *
BMI (kg/m2)
 BMI > 25 kg/m2 2,792 (73.1) 1,412 (62.5) **
 Current or ex-smoker 465 (11.3) 464 (17.6) **
 Alcohol > 14 units/week 29 (0.70) 26 (1.0) P > 0.05
Prescribed treatments
 NSAIDs 991 (24.0) 780 (29.4) **
 COXIBs 16 (0.4) 12 (0.5) P > 0.05
 ACEIs/ARBs 2,945 (71.3) 335 (12.6) **
 Beta-blockers 1,562 (37.8) 319 (12.0) **
 Calcium channel blockers 2,682 (64.9) 167 (6.2) **
 Diuretics 2,191 (53.0) 145 (5.5) **
 Statins 2,266 (54.9) 618 (23.3) **

CKD includes both diagnosed and undiagnosed CKD Stage 3–5. Patients with diabetes were excluded

HT hypertension, CHD coronary heart disease, BP blood pressure, BMI body mass index, NSAIDs non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, COXIBs COX-2 inhibitors, ACEIs angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitors, ARBs angiotensin receptor blockers, CCBs calcium channel blockers, IMD index of multiple deprivation

*P < 0.05

**P < 0.001