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. 2022 Mar 17;27:21. doi: 10.4103/jrms.jrms_1390_20

Table 2.

Effect of educational interventions on screening behavior

First author/city/year of publication Study design Intervention Study population Sample size Mean age (SD) Instrument The most important findings
HajiKazemi, Tehran, 2006[69] CT Health counselling Females attending premarital health counselling program 600 21.82 (3.94) QNR After/before: Significant_difference in mean_score of awareness
Yeke Fallah, Ghazvin, 2007[70] CT Video and verbal training Nursing and midwifery students of QUMS 43 18 QNR After/before: Significant increase in mean K
Saatsaz, Amol, 2009[71] CT In-person education Females high school teachers 48 NA QNR After/before: Significant improvement of P. about BSE, CBE, mammography
Hatefnia, Tehran, 2010[72] RCT HBM-based education Females>35 years 220 NA QNR Intervention/control: Significant improvement in mean_score of K., HBM structures and mammography behavior
Moshfeghi, Arak, 2011[73] RCT Media and powerpoint Physicians 128 NA QNR Significant_difference in mean_score of KAP after intervention in each group
No significant_difference in KAP between two methods
Hajian, Tehran, 2011[74] RCT Health counseling Females with BC_FH 100 37.8 (11.7) QNR After/before: Significant_difference in mean K., HBM structures, BSE in intervention group
Intervention/control (BSE: 82%/62%, P=0.021, CBE: 40%/18%, P=0.014, Mammography: 36%/30%, P=0.52)
Rahmati Najar Kolaie, Tehran, 2012[75] CT HBM-based education Students living in the dormitory of TU 99 21 (1.11) QNR After/before: Significant improvement of HBM structures
Farma, Zahedan, 2013[76] CT In-person education Females guidance school teachers 240 39.4 (7.4) QNR Intervention/control: Significant_difference in mean-score of KAP
Ghasemi, Shahrekord, 2014[77] RCT In-person education Employee females in universities of Shahrekord 50 33.5 (18) QNR, C/L After/before: Significant_difference in mean-scores of KAP, performing BSE
Khalili, Lavizan, 2014[78] CT HBM-based education Females referred to HCCs 144 34 (8.23) QNR After/before: Significant increase in mean K., HBM structures
Intervention/control: Enhance the mean of K., HBM structures (P<0.001)
Torbaghan, Zahedan, 2014[79] RCT HBM-based education Female employees of ZAUMS 130 Intervention 35.38 (8.01)
Control 34.39 (8.98)
QNR Intervention/control: Significant_difference in mean-scores of awareness, perceived susceptibility, perceived benefits, perceived barriers, P
Rezaeian, Isfahan, 2014[80] RCT Health counselling Females>40 years 290 50.48 (6.81) QNR After/before: Significant. improvement means K., HBM structures
Intervention/control: Significant_difference in HBM structures, health beliefs about BC and mammography Sc_Behavour
Sargazi, Zahedan, 2014[81] RCT TPB-based education Females referred to the clinics 140 Intervention 31.6 (0.9)
Control 32.6 (1.1)
QNR After/before: Significant increase scores of K., A., control of perceived behavior, behavioral intention, adopting Sc_Behavior in the intervention group
Haghighi, Birjand, 2015[82] RCT In-person education Employee females of BU 89 39.2 (7.3) QNR After/before: Significant increase in mean K., A. toward BSE and number of females who performed BSE
Absavaran, Zabol, 2015[83] RCT Lecture method/cell phone method Nurses in Zabol hospitals 105 Intervention 29.3 (4.4)
Intervention 28.3 (4.4)
Controll 29.1 (4.7)
QNR After/before: Significant_difference in mean_score KAP in both intervention groups. Increase in A., P in mobile phone group was significantly more than in the lecture group
Taymoori, Sanandaj, 2015[84] RCT Health counselling Females>50 years 184 55.93 (7.80) QNR Intervention/control: Significant_difference in mean HBM and TPB structures and percent mammography
Sadeghi, Sirjan, 2015[85] RCT BASNEF model-based education Females 20–40 years attending to HCCs 200 Intervention 35.86 (2.53)
Control 36.12 (2.24)
QNR After/before: K. significantly increased in both groups. A., P., enabling factors increased in Intervention
Intervention/control: Significant_difference in mean_scores of KAP, subjective norms, and enabling factors
Ghahremani, Shiraz, 2016[86] RCT Self-care education Females referred to HCCs 168 Intervention 35.3 (7.5)
Control 36.6 (8.5)
QNR Intervention/control: Significant_difference in mean_scores of TTM structures and BSE behavior (P<0.001)
Mirzaii, Mashhad, 2016[87] RCT SHEP-model-based education All the health volunteers and females covered by two urban health centers 120 NA QNR, C/L Intervention/control: Significant_difference in mean_scores of A. and BSE (P<0.001)
Parsa, Hamedan, 2016[88] RCT Educational counselling Females referred to HCCs 150 Intervention 47.64 (7.03)
Control 46.6 (8.68)
QNR, C/L Intervention/control: Significant_difference in mean_scores of perceived benefits, perceived barriers, self-efficacy, health motivations, K. and BSE practice
Khiyali, Fasa, 2017[89] RCT HBM-based education Healthy females 92 Intervention 30.39 (8.19)
Control 28.23 (7.3)
QNR Intervention/control: Significant_difference in mean_scores of K., HBM structures and BSE behavior (P<0.001)
Nahidi, Abadeh, 2017[90] RCT HBM-based education Females 30–39 years referred to HCCs 144 Intervention 38.5
Control 39.44
QNR Intervention/control: Significant_difference in mean_scores of awareness., perceived susceptibility and performance
Significant_difference in mean_score of performance in BSE (P<0.001)
Nasiriani, Yazd, 2017[91] Randomized field-trial Telephone counseling and education Females with BC_FH 90 Intervention 45.8 (7.51)
Control 46.77 (8)
QNR Intervention/control: Significant_difference in mammography performing (77.8%/24.4%)
After/before: Significant_difference in mammography performing in the intervention group. No significant_difference in mammography performing in the control group
Savabi-Esfahani, Baharestan, 2017[92] RCT Role-playing, lecture Females enrolled in community cultural centers 314 45.53 (10.99) QNR After/before: Significant_difference in mean_scores of K. about BC and screening in both educational groups
Role playgroup/lecture group: Mean_score of K. (94.5/88.8)
Shahbazi, Borujen, 2017[93] RCT Direct and indirect education Nursing and midwifery personnel in Valiasr Hospital 89 31.95 (6.57) QNR After/before: Significant. increase scores of K., in both groups, A. increased only indirect group
Direct training versus indirect training: Significant_difference in K. and A. about BSE
Matlabi, Gonabad, 2018[94] Randomized field-trial In-person education Married Females 20–49 years 140 37.27 (6.69) QNR Intervention/control (immediately after: Action 21.4% versus 22.9%, P=0.001, maintenance 40% versus 24.3%, P=0.001, 3 months after: Action 25.7% versus 24.3%, P=0.001, maintenance 57.1% versus 24.3%, P=0.001)
Ghaffari, Isfahan, 2019[95] RCT HBM-based education Health volunteers of HCCs 480 NA QNR, C/L Intervention/control: Immediately and two months after: Significant_difference in means of K., HBM structures related to BSE and mammography, BSE skill. No significant_difference in BSE behavior and mammography
Ghaffari, Karaj, 2018[96] RCT Education based on the integrated behavioral model Females who were attended to HCCs 138 NA QNR Intervention/control: Immediately and two months after: Significant_difference in mean_score of K. and all structures except the perceived benefits of mammography and mammography behavior (P<0.001)
Masoudiyekta, Dezful, 2018[97] RCT HBM-based education Females 20–59 years referred to HCCs 226 39.75 (9.05) QNR Intervention/control: Significant increase rate of BSE and mammography, mean_scores of K. and HBM structures three months after (P<0.001). No significant_difference in the score of CBE
Mirmoammadi, Hamadan, 2018[98] RCT HBM-based consultation Females>40 years attending Hamadan HCCs 150 Intervention 64.47 (7.3)
Control 60.46 (8.8)
QNR Intervention/control (significant_difference in mammography: 49.3%/20%, CBE: 52%/28%, mean_scores of K., HBM constructs except for susceptibility and severity)
Naserian, Mahshahr, 2018[99] RCT Short messages and group training Females 40–60 years referred to HCCs 210 Intervention 48.1 (5.8)
Intervention 48.7 (5.8)
QNR After/before: Significant. increase in mean_score K. In each group (P=0.001), no significant increase between groups (P=0.061)
Group training was better in BSE (P<0.001)
SMS group was better in CBE (P=0.02)
Mashhod, Tehran, 2018[100] RCT HBM-based education Females referred to HCCs 94 Intervention 35
Control 32.5
QNR After/before: Significant_difference in mean_scores of HBM structures except for perceived benefits in the experimental group
Intervention/control: Significant_difference in mean_scores o K., HBM structures except for perceived benefits, BSE performance
Fathollahi-Dehkordi, Isfahan, 2018[101] RCT Health counselling Females>20 years with BC_FH 107 Intervention 36.04 (10.90)
Control 35.58 (10.22)
QNR Intervention/control: Significant_differencein screening practice. Time factor and time-group interaction affected K.and HBM structures significantly
Most females in the action stage of CBE vesrsus in the contemplation stage (P<0.001)
Alizadeh Sabeg, Abish Ahmad, 2019[102] RCT Health counselling Females 40–69 years 60 Intervention 47.6 (5.7)
Control 48.2 (5.8)
QNR Intervention/control: Significant_difference in mean_scores of total K. and K. about symptoms, risk factors, age-related and lifetime risk, BC screening, frequency of BSE 2 months after
Termeh Zonouzy, Tehran, 2019[103] RCT Intervention based on fear appeals using the EPPM model Females>40 years with no BC_FH 600 53.2 (9.45) QNR After/before: Significant_difference in mean_scores of A., behavioral intention in the intervention group
Intervention/control: Significant_difference in mean_scores of A., behavioral intention
Rokhforouz, Rafsanjan, 2019[104] RCT In-person education Health volunteers working in HCCs in Rafsanjan 92 46.84 (10.67) QNR, C/L Intervention/control: Significant_differencef in movement in the stages of change, mean scores of HBM structures except for perceived barriers
Molaei-Zardanjani, Isfahan, 2019[105] RCT Individual and peer education Females referred to selected HCCs 100 NA QNR After/before: Significant improvement in A. toward behavior, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control, intention behavior in both groups
Mean_score of A. in the individual education group was higher (P<0.05)
Mean_score of subjective norms in the peer education group was higher (P<0.05)
No significant_difference in mean_scores of perceived behavioral control constructs and behavioral intention between groups (P>0.05)

CT=Computed tomography; RCT=Randomised clinical trial; HBM=Health belief model; TPB=Theory of planned behavior; BASNEF=Beliefs, attitudes, subjective norms, and enabling factors; SHEP=Systematic comprehensive health education and promotion; EPPM=Extended parallel process model; HCC=Health Care Center; BU=Birjand University; BC_FH=Family history of breast cancer; ZAUMS=Zahedan University of Medical Sciences; TU=Tehran University; QUMS=Qazvin University of Medical Sciences; NA=Not available; QNR=Questionnaire; C/L=Checklist; BSE=Breast self-examination; CBE=Clinical breast examination; KAP=Knowledge/attitude/practice; BC=Breast cancer; TTM=Transtheoretical model; SMS=Short Message Service