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. 2022 Apr 8;12(4):e056753. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-056753

Table 1.

Characteristics of the IMAgiNE questionnaire for health workers

Expected use Collect useful data to improve the QMNC during childbirth at facility level in the WHO European Region
Phenomena of Interest QMNC as for a set of 40 prioritised WHO Quality Measures23
Domains Four domains:
  1. Provision of care, as defined by WHO Standards23

  2. Experience of care, as defined by WHO Standards23

  3. Availability of Physical and Human Resources, as defined by WHO Standards23

  4. Organisational changes related to the COVID-19 pandemic response

Responders Health workers are defined as professionals routinely working in maternal and neonatal care around the time of childbirth at facility level for at least 1 year
Context WHO European Region
Administration format
  1. Self-administered, online, anonymous and voluntary

  2. Informed consent required

Other characteristics
  1. Multi-item instrument including different dimensions of QMNC

  2. Collects information of the key WHO Quality Measures for which using health workers as source of data is appropriate and important

  3. Complementary to a tool collecting information on service users’ perception of QMNC30

  4. Content heavily informed by health workers (ie, end users of the questionnaire)

  5. Content sufficiently comprehensive, retaining acceptability by health workers

  6. Clear, specific, and concise questions, structured in logical sequence

  7. Comparable pathways for maternal and neonatal area

  8. Includes open-ended questions to collect suggestions from health workers and additional feedback

  9. Socio demographic country-adjustable questions under requests

  10. Good psychometric properties according to literature

  11. Allowance for scoring of QMNC with a single quantitative index

QMNC, Quality of maternal and neonatal care.