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. 2022 Mar 28;13:818030. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2022.818030


Demographics across entire sample and subsample.

Item Full sample Subsample
2,665 1,562
Gender n (%)
   Male 444 (17%) 217 (13.9%)
   Female 2,169 (83%) 1,315 (84.2%)
   Intersex 1 (<1%) 1 (<1%)
   Transgender 12 (<1%) 8 (<1%)
   Other 27 (1%) 16 (1%)
   Prefer not to say 10 (<1%) 4 (<1%)
   Mean age 47.62 48.80
   Range 18–91 18–91
Relationship status n (%)
   In a relationship/married 1,585 (61%) 974 (62.4%)
   Single (including separated/divorced/widowed) 982 (37.8%) 567 (36.3%)
   Other 31 (1.2%) 19 (1.1%)
Work status n (%)
   Full-time 1,232 (47.4%) 684 (43.8%)
   Part-time/casual/self-employed 581 (22.4%) 379 (24.3%)
   Student 136 (5.2%) 84 (5.4%)
   Unemployed 199 (7.7%) 121 (7.7%)
   Retired 361 (13.9%) 243 (15.6%)
   Other 90 (3.5%) 50 (3.2%)
Household status n (%)
   Living with family 1,863 (71.7%) 1,107 (70.9%)
   Living alone 561 (21.6%) 355 (22.7%)
   Other, i.e., living with non-family members 173 (6.6%) 98 (6.3%)
Financial status n (%)
   Very well 958 (36.9%) 639 (41%)
   Fairly well 1,297 (50%) 760 (48.7%)
   Poorly 340 (13.1%) 160 (10.2%)
Education level n (%)
   High school 516 (19.9%) 342 (21.9%)
   Bachelor’s degree 991 (38.2%) 573 (36.7%)
   Postgraduate degree (i.e., Master’s, Doctorate) 1,087 (41.9%) 643 (41.3%)
SARS-CoV-R exposure
   Total contact with COVID-19 (reported knowing others who have had COVID-19 [friends, family, or co-worker]) 158 (5.9%) 62 (4.0%)
   Has had COVID-19 (reported having symptoms of COVID and/or a positive test result). 405 (15.2%) 168 (10.9%)

The subsample data comes only from the United Kingdom, United States, and Australia because we were able to calculate objective social restrictions for participants geographic region based on government data across the first six months of the pandemic. For analyses, we removed data from 29 participants who selected “Other,” “Intersex,” “Transgender,” or “Prefer not to say” for their gender because they represented one or less percent of the total group. Raw values may not add up to total because of missing data on those items. Percentages calculated using raw score and total score for that particular item. Total contact with COVID-19 (0 = know others with COVID-19 (friends, family, and co-workers), 1 = does not know anyone with COVID-19; Has had COVID-19 (0 = has had a positive test result for COVID-19 or has had symptoms, 1 = no symptoms or positive test result for COVID-19). Total contact and has had COVID-19 were used as control variables in the analyses.