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. 2022 Mar 28;13:830039. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2022.830039

Table 1.

Univariate analysis of dyadic coping score of infertile women (n = 482).

Variables Number Score (Mean ±SD) F/t Effect size P
Age (years) ≤ 30 234 140.45 ± 22.94 31.02 0.163a P < 0.01
31~35 148 131.27 ± 22.31
36~40 83 111.89 ± 26.62
>40 17 138.82 ± 21.95
Nationality Han 463 132.54 ± 25.28 0.25 0.002a 0.862
Hui 16 133.75 ± 33.27
Tibetan 2 146.00 ± 9.90
Tu 1 143.00 ± 0.00
Education level Primary school 16 136.56 ± 18.85 25.03 0.173a P < 0.01
Junior school 77 112.23 ± 26.56
Senior School 79 123.84 ± 23.98
College 310 139.74 ± 22.30
Residence place Rural areas 108 119.55 ± 25.46 28.86 0.108a P < 0.01
Towns 178 131.10 ± 24.47
Urban areas 196 141.29 ± 23.05
Occupation Farmer 64 118.53 ± 26.87 8.75 0.068a P < 0.01
Teacher or staff 72 141.36 ± 19.84
Public servant or manager 69 136.04 ± 22.04
Medical worker 45 139.40 ± 21.12
Other 232 131.53 ± 26.74
Per capita monthly income of the family (yuan) ≤ 3,000 121 120.27 ± 26.28 24.69 0.134a P < 0.01
3,000~5,000 202 131.18 ± 22.66
5,001~10,000 111 141.26 ± 22.85
≥10,000 48 150.17 ± 23.97
Religious belief No 472 132.58 ± 25.59 6.391 0.907b 0.012
Yes 10 150.30 ± 10.40
Years of marriage (years) ≤ 3 189 142.47 ± 22.29 31.77 0.166a P < 0.01
4~6 142 134.80 ± 21.66
7~10 90 121.56 ± 24.79
>10 61 113.66 ± 27.79
Whether the patient is the only child Yes 81 139.35 ± 24.29 0.044 0.323b 0.833
No 401 131.30 ± 25.54
Whether the husband is the only child Yes 119 137.78 ± 25.30 0.009 0.268b 0.926
No 363 130.98 ± 25.36
Relationship with family members Very bad 55 111.20 ± 27.22 57.38 0.325a P < 0.01
Bad 25 104.04 ± 25.61
Normal 63 116.89 ± 21.77
Good 173 134.56 ± 16.10
Very good 166 148.07 ± 22.19
Duration of infertility (years) ≤ 1 204 135.87 ± 22.08 7.313 0.044a P < 0.01
2~5 244 131.01 ± 27.06
6~10 30 131.17 ± 27.03
>10 4 80.50 ± 15.00
Have you ever been treated Yes 315 132.27 ± 26.51 1.60 0.044b 0.207
No 167 133.38 ± 23.50
Have you ever took in vitro fertilization-embryo transfer treatment Yes 212 133.95 ± 24.35 0.452 0.091b 0.502
No 270 131.64 ± 26.35
Pregnancy experience Yes 174 131.25 ± 25.29 0.05 0.091b 0.832
No 308 133.57 ± 25.62
Times of abortion 0 308 133.67 ± 25.88 3.905 0.016a 0.021
1~2 163 132.13 ± 23.10
3~4 11 112.09 ± 39.21
Sources of fertility stress Parents-in-law 83 125.12 ± 28.09 6.23 0.050a P < 0.01
Parents 33 144.70 ± 23.53
Spouse 38 135.29 ± 20.10
Oneself 257 130.85 ± 26.37
Classmates, friends, colleagues, neighbors 71 140.99 ± 17.59
Cause of illness Oviduct 163 139.33 ± 22.05 6.471 0.064a P < 0.01
Ovary 51 126.55 ± 31.13
Uterus/cervix 14 110.71 ± 30.84
Genetic/immune diseases 10 143.40 ± 19.25
Other 102 132.66 ± 25.49

Used partial η2 as effect size.


Used Cohen's d as effect size.