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. 2022 Apr 10;22:95. doi: 10.1186/s12902-022-01015-5

Table 1.

Characteristics of 48 meta-analyses of RCTs on therapies that improve NAFLD

Exposure Author, year Measure Studies (n) Subjects (n) Cases (n) Random effect model
Effect size (95% CI)
p-value I2 (%) Heterogeneity
Small-study effects
Caffeine [26] Shen2016 Liver fibrosis 2 NR 292 MD −91.35 (−139.42, −43.27) 0.0002 0 0.74 NA
Green tea [25] Ghanaei2018 ALT 4 234 122 MD −12.81 (−18.17, −7.45) <0.00001 9 0.35 0.75
Green tea [25] Ghanaei2018 AST 4 234 122 MD −10.91 (−19.66, −2.17) 0.01 80 0.002 0.32
Green tea [25] Ghanaei2018 TG 3 163 87 MD −31.86 (−40.62, −23.12) <0.00001 0 0.53 0.71
Green tea [25] Ghanaei2018 TC 3 163 87 MD −27.57 (−36.17, −18.98) <0.00001 3 0.36 0.82
Green tea [25] Ghanaei2018 LDL 3 163 87 MD −14.15 (−23.69, −4.60) 0.004 34 0.22 0.77
Green tea [25] Ghanaei2018 BMI 4 234 122 MD −2.08 (−2.81, −1.36) <0.00001 0 0.49 0.06
Low carbohydrate diet [27] Haghighatdoos2016 IHLC 4 NA 238



−11.53% (−18.10, −4.96) 0.00085 83.2 <0.001 0.34
Omega-3 PUFAs [63] Yan2018 ALT 14 937 NA SMD −0.50 (−0.88, −0.11) 0.000 86.4 <0.001 0.695
Omega-3 PUFAs [63] Yan2018 AST 12 903 NA SMD −0.54 (−1.04, −0.05) 0.000 91.2 <0.001 0.733
Omega-3 PUFAs [63] Yan2018 GGT 8 1121 NA SMD −0.48 (−0.64, −0.31) 0.013 41.6 0.101 0.945
Omega-3 PUFAs [63] Yan2018 HOMR-IR 8 502 NA SMD −0.40 (−0.58, −0.22) 0.001 16.6 0.299 0.259
Omega-3 PUFAs [63] Yan2018 Glucose 8 474 NA SMD −0.25 (−0.43, −0.06) 0.002 43 0.092 0.274
Omega-3 PUFAs [63] Yan2018 TG 16 1075 NA SMD −0.47 (−0.76, −0.19) 0.002 79.6 <0.001 0.469
Omega-3 PUFAs [59] Musa-Veloso 2017 Liver fat content 5 NA NA MD −5.19% (−9.58, −0.97) 0.021 NA NA NA
Omega-3 PUFAs [59] Musa-Veloso 2017 Grade of steatosis 7 NA NA MD −0.71 (−0.99, −0.42) <0.001 NA NA NA
Omega-3 PUFAs [28] Parker2012 Liver fat 7 NA 355 ES −0.97 (−0.58, −1.35) <0.001 66.12 0.007 NA
Omega-3 PUFAs [58] Yu2017 LDL 6 468 235 MD −9.18 (−14.89, −3.47) 0.002 43 0.13 NA
Omega-3 PUFAs [58] Yu2017 HDL 7 509 254 MD 4.81 (1.59, 8.03) 0.03 65 0.009 NA
Total exercise [60] Smart 2016 Intrahepatic fat 21 1530 NA SMD −1.77 (−3.11, −0.42) 0.01 77 NA 0.1
Total exercise (irrespectively of weight change) [61] Katsagoni2016 IHTG 10 540 325 SMD −0.98 (−1.30, −0.66) <0.001 62.1 0.002 0.012
Total exercise (irrespectively of weight change) [61] Katsagoni2016 ALT 11 495 301 SMD −0.39 (−0.66, −0.11) 0.006 55.3 0.008 0.015
Total exercise (irrespectively of weight change) [61] Katsagoni2016 AST 9 494 373 SMD −0.37 (−0.65, −0.09) 0.009 53.7 0.017 0.016
Total exercise (irrespectively of weight change) [61] Katsagoni2016 WC NA 564 NA SMD −0.6 (−0.78, −0.42) <0.001 0 0.71 NA
Total exercise (irrespectively of weight change) [61] Katsagoni2016 HOMA-IR NA 564 NA SMD −0.76 (−1.47, −0.05) <0.001 8 <0.001 NA
Total exercise (irrespectively of weight change) [22] Keating2012 Liver fat 6 156 93 ES −0.37 (−0.69, −0.06) 0.02 NA NA NA
Exercise (AEx) [ 61] Katsagoni2016 IHTG 5 119 68 SMD −0.84 (−1.27, −0.42) <0.001 66.6 NA NA
Exercise (RT) [61] Katsagoni2016 IHTG 3 133 72 SMD −1.05 (−1.87, −0.24) 0.011 65.1 NA NA
Exercise (AEx + RT) [ 61] Katsagoni2016 IHTG 3 61 36 SMD −1.54 (−2.56, −0.52) 0.003 60.5 NA NA
Exercise (continuous MIT) [61] Katsagoni2016 IHTG 2 229 93 SMD −0.86 (−1.36, −0.34) 0.001 63.5 NA NA
Exercise (low-to-moderate volume MIT) [61] Katsagoni2016 IHTG 4 234 124 SMD −0.50 (−0.77, −0.23) <0.001 0 NA NA
Exercise (AEx) [62] Zou2018 ALT 20 846 134 WMD −17.04 (−38.08,-4.00) 0.01 0 NA 0.04
Exercise (RT) [62] Zou2018 ALT 20 846 71 WMD −17.33 (− 43.90, −8.22) <0.001 7.6 NA 0.59
Exercise (AEx + RT) [62] Zou2018 ALT 20 846 26 WMD −32.12 (− 66.11, −1.87) <0.001 NA NA NA
Exercise (AEx) [62] Zou2018 AST 17 790 110 WMD −5.83 (−12.21, −0.45) <0.001 61.6 NA 0.03
Exercise (RT) [62] Zou2018 AST 17 790 60 WMD −4.38 (−20.58, 11.83) <0.001 0 NA NA
Exercise (AEx) [62] Zou2018 HOMR-IR 11 492 69 WMD −0.17 (−0.69, 0.36) <0.001 0 NA 0.02
Exercise (RT) [62] Zou2018 HOMR-IR 11 492 11 WMD −1.70 (− 5.61, 2.21) <0.001 NA NA NA
Exercise (AEx + RT) [62] Zou2018 HOMR-IR 11 492 26 WMD −0.52 (−1.51, 0.41) <0.001 NA NA NA
Exercise (AEx) [62] Zou2018 BMI 20 13,426 846 WMD −1.55 (− 3.52, −0.42) <0.001 59.4 NA 0.19
Exercise (RT) [62] Zou2018 BMI 20 846 71 WMD −1.81 (−3.80, −0.18) <0.001 0 NA 0.07
Exercise (AEx + RT) [62] Zou2018 BMI 20 846 26 WMD −2.09 (−4.07, −0.10) <0.001 NA NA NA
Weight loss [29] Koutoukidis 2019 ALT 21 2558 1496 MD −9.18 (−13.12, −6.50) <0.001 97 <0.001 NA
Weight loss [29] Koutoukidis 2019 AST 19 2558 1446 MD −4.84 (−7.13, −2.38) 0.0001 96 <0.00001 NA
Weight loss [29] Koutoukidis 2019 GGT 9 1774 1124 MD −4.35 (−7.67, −1.04) 0.01 96 <0.00001 NA
Weight loss [29] Koutoukidis 2019 Liver stiffness 4 271 151 SMD −1.11 (−1.91, −0.32) 0.006 94 <0.00001 NA
Weight loss [29] Koutoukidis 2019 Liver steatosis 11 765 405 SMD −1.48 (−2.27, −0.7) <0.001 94 <0.01 NA
Weight loss [29] Koutoukidis 2019 NAS 5 164 93 SMD −0.92 (−1.75, −0.09) 0.03 95 <0.001 NA

NAFLD Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, IHCL Intrahepatocellular lipids, WHR Waist-tohip ratio, WC Waist circumference, BMI Body mass index, Omega-3 PUFAs Omega-3 Polyunsaturated fatty acids, NASH Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis, NAS Nonalcoholic activity score, ALT Alanine aminotransferase, AST Aspartate aminotransferase, TG Triglyceride, TC Total cholesterol, LDL-C Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, BMI Body mass index, IHLC Intrahepatic lipid content, GGT G-glutamyl transferase, HOMA-IR Homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance, HDL-C High density lipoprotein, AEx Aerobic exercise training, RT Resistance training, MIT Moderate-intensity, HIT High-intensity training, HIIT High-intensity interval training, IHTG Intrahepatic triglyceride, MIT Moderate inten-sity, ALP Alkaline phosphatase, MD Mean difference, SMD Standardized mean difference, WMD Weighted mean difference, ES Effect size, OR Odds ratio, RR Relative risk, CI Confidence interval, NA Not available