Fig. 4.
LAD fate in the 72-h differentiation time course. a Alluvial representation of LAD fate. Line width is proportional to genomic size. b Proportions of each T00–T24 LAD category (center pie chart; see Fig. 3b) in LAD (gray) or in i-LAD (green) at T72 (mb coverage). c Observed/ expected (O/E) ratios of genomic overlap of T00–T24 LAD categories (x axis) with LADs at 72 h. Each LAD was permuted 50 times in the same chromosome using as background the union of all known LAD locations in T72 cells; *P = 0.019, two-sided permutation tests, FDR ≤ 0.1, for all LAD categories; see also Additional file 1, Table S3. d LAD classes identified based on LAD changes between 0 and 24 h (T00–T24) and the LADs vs. i-LAD outcome of these LADs by 72 h (T72). e Observed/expected (O/E) ratios of overlap of each LAD class (x axis) with LADs in undifferentiated proliferating ASCs. *P = two-sided permutation tests (250 permutations), FDR ≤ 0.1. See also Additional file 1, Table S4. f Proportions of genome coverage of LADs in undifferentiated proliferating ASCs by each LAD class; §P < 0.002, Fisher’s exact tests with two-tailed P-values